maggie greene angst / buried feelings

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Maggie and you had been forced to be with each other for the past few months. You guys got separated from the group and ever since Maggie took you under her wing. Except, she wasn't happy about it. You guys were never that close before the group got divided up and now since she really had no choice but to take you with her, she resented you even more.

Maggie opened the tent flap and let the bright sun leak into your vision. "I'm awake, Maggie." you muttered. She stood in front of the tent clearly annoyed. "We have things to do. Get dressed and meet me by the lake." She walked away leaving you to your own business. After getting dressed you went to the lake like Maggie had told you to.

"Maggie?" You called out. She was getting some water to fill her can. "We have big things to do today. We have to raid that camp." You shook your head and began to walk towards her. "Maggie, I thought we decided that it was too dangerous. What if one of us gets hurt? What about finding the group?" Maggie was fuming, like she had been waiting to release all of her pent up anger on you. "Are you fucking stupid? Do you really think that group gives a shit about us? They aren't looking for us Y/N. Get that through your fucking head." You stepped back from her as she walked closer to you.

"I'm the one who saved your ass. If you don't obey my rules then you can walk away and we can go our separate ways." You stepped closer to her now, slowly gaining your confidence back. "You don't really want me to leave Maggie. If that was the case you would've raided that camp months ago. Without me." You paused. "But you didn't. You waited."

Maggie scoffed and walked away from you. You walked after her and you both walked to the camp together, in silence.


You both were approaching the camp. Maggie was one one side and you were on the other. You took out a few walkers before seeing that there was a person walking around in their camp. The walls couldn't hide much. You walked very silently towards the person, grabbing them from behind.

Muffled screams came from the person but you dropped them when Maggie came up to you. "Y/N!" Maggie yelled. You stood confused before noticing the person was getting away. You rolled your eyes and grabbed them again, turning them around.

"Shit." You whispered to yourself. Maggie looked equally as devastated. The person you were holding was a kid. A kid probably not much younger than Carl. The kid looked scared and you felt an ounce of guilt.

"What do I do?" You asked Maggie. She came up to you and took the kid from you, holding a knife to his neck. You were stunned by this because this is not what you thought Maggie was like. Then again, maybe you didn't really know what Maggie was like.

You followed behind Maggie as she went around to the front of the camp while still holding the kid hostage. "Come out fuckers. We got your boy." She yelled. You could hear slight murmurs behind the walls as a group of three opened their front gate. Looked like a mom, dad, and sister.

You wanted to tell Maggie this is not who we were, but she would be even more angry at you if you spoke. "Please. I'm sure we can reason with you. Just give us our boy back.." The mother spoke, making sure to look into your eyes instead of Maggie's. Perhaps it was noticeable that you didn't wanna do this.

"I'm sure we can too. I want your supplies. Give me that and you get your boy." Maggie replied. You shot Maggie a glare and she returned the glare to you as well. The dad shook his head. "Listen, you guys seem like you're just desperate survivors. I get it. But we need this as much as you do. Please. Just hand over my boy."  Maggie held the knife closer to the boys neck, pressing it harder against it.

"I told you how to get your boy back. You either give me your supplies or I will kill him right in front of you." Your eyes widened at her statement. At first you thought it was just a bluff, but then realized that she was serious when the boys neck started to drip little droplets of blood. "Maggie!" You shouted. She looked at you and her eyes just looked cold.

"Maggie, that your name? Just.." the dad started speaking and walked closer to Maggie. Her eyes were still on you. She didn't notice the man was getting closer and closer to her. "It's alright. I just want my boy.." the man almost had the knife before Maggie snapped out of the staring and lunched towards him.

"Maggie, stop!" You yelled. You ran over to them both and pulled Maggie by her hair. You pushed her and she fell onto a nearby tree. "Run. Get as far away as you can." You told the family. You slowly walked up to Maggie as she was slouched against the tree.

"Maggie.." you started to speak but she walked away. Walking a little further away from the camp she decided to speak to you. "You're so fucking useless." You stopped walking and when she noticed that she turned around. "What? You got your feelings hurt? Good. Maybe that's what you need to finally man up and contribute something to this little duo we have going on."

You stared down at your shoes, refusing to look at her when she was treating you like this. She walked up to you and pinned you against a tree. "No, fucking look at me," she raised your chin and forced you to look into her eyes. "You need to face the facts. We are going to die from starvation because of you." You smacked her hand off your face.

"You're a god damn monster." You shouted at her. You assumed she didn't care if walkers heard her because she yelled back but louder. "I'm the monster? ME? I did all of this to protect us. To protect you." You shook your head and laughed. "Fuck you. Trying to use an innocent kid for your own survival. When did you become this pathetic?"

Maggie pulled her own hair in frustration. "What other options did i have? We have no options, Y/N." You sighed. "There is no we anymore." With that, you turned and started to walk away. She followed after you, turning you towards her. "No. Not after everything. You're not leaving me. Y/N." You looked into her eyes that were now glossy and tearing up.

"You don't care about me Maggie. You just felt obligated to protect me because Glen told you to look after me." Maggie cupped your face that was now visibly wet from the tears running down your face. "I do care about you Y/N. Glen has nothing to do with why I took you with me. I love you. I've always felt something towards you," she took a long pause before speaking again. "When my dad died, I swore I wouldn't do anything to disappoint him. So I buried my feelings for you and turned them into hatred." You were clutching onto her hand that was holding your face.

"I'm sorry Y/N. Just stay with me. Please. I won't do anything to hurt you again." Maggie softly spoke. You nodded and wiped your tears. "I love you Maggie Greene."

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