glenn rhee fluff /birthday surprise

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Glen was the smart one in your group, he always knew what to do, even under pressure. You and Glen were close. Glen was your best friend, and because of that you two were always together.

You're folding laundry in the prison when Glen walks over to you. "Hey Y/N" he greets you. You smile at him added by a "Hey Glen." Glen takes your hand and by doing that the laundry basket falls to the ground. "Hey, I was folding those asshole!" You exclaim. Glen laughs and rolls his eyes. "This is worth it, C'mon."

You decide to go with him because why not? What do you have better to do on a Saturday afternoon when everyone is gone on runs? Plus, it was your birthday. You thought maybe you deserved a break. He led you to the watch tower that overlooked the prison.

"Glen, you shouldn't have.." you whisper with tears brimming your eyelids. There was fairy lights wrapped around the railing of the tower along with some balloons. "Happy birthday, Y/N." Glen said softly with a huge smile plastered across his face. You brought him into a hug with your face buried into his neck.

"I love you, Glen."

"I love you too Y/N."

You let go of Glen and you both looked looked into the sunset. Sitting down, you laid your head on his lap. "Glen?" You ask. He looks down at you followed by a hm. "You and Maggie really are good together. I'm happy for you man."
You notice that Glen now is frowning and just blankly staring. "Glen? What's wrong?" You ask concerned.

Glen exhales. "Actually, it's funny you say that but..." Glen takes a few seconds before he speaks again. "I don't think I love Maggie like I thought I did." You were taken back by this and immediately sat up. "You guys were so perfect. What changed?" Glen fumbles with his hands and he turns to you. "You."

Your eyes widened as he said this. You wondered if this was how he was confessing his love for you. "You're confused Glen. You've had your chance for the past year and you haven't done anything. Then you saw Maggie and it was a perfect match. You never wanted that with me." Glen shook his head rapidly and began tripping over his words.

"No, Y/N. I never looked at you as someone I wanted to just have sex with. I looked at you as someone I cared and loved. But..with..with Maggie.I-I- don't know.."

You sighed and put your head on his shoulder. "It's okay Glen. I understand. It's not your fault." With that, you both just sat there in silence. It wasn't awkward it was comfortable silence.

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