carl grimes fluff /secrets

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not a request

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not a request

Today was the most important day for your group. You and Carl were supposed to camp in the woods for a couple of nights outside of a new town that Rick had been talking about for months. This town was rumored to have tons of supplies and maybe be a sustainable place to live.


Carl walked up to you with his hands buried in his pockets. "Y/N are you ready?" He asked you. You nodded, taking a tiny glance at Carl's hands. Carl walked over to the passenger seat of the car and opened it for you. "After you m'lady." He spoke above a whisper. You thought that maybe he was speaking low because Rick was next to you, but that was not the reason.

"Thanks sir Carl." You say laughing. Carl enters the drivers seat and looks back to make sure everything is in place before leaving. "When it's clear for us to move from our spot, you'll let us know right?" Carl asked his father. Rick nodded and pointed to Carl and his matching walkie talkies. "As long as you got that son." With that, Carl started the car and drove off.


Carl and you arrived at stop. "Alright, we have to stop here and walk the rest. Can you carry our clothes and food while I grab the tent and guns?" You said yes followed by a nod and began grabbing things from the car. While Carl was bending over to grab a gun, you noticed something peeking out of his back pocket.

"Hm?" You hum. He replies with a "huh?" And then notices what you're staring at. "I know it's big. Don't gotta stare." He says playfully. You roll your eyes and point to object in his pocket. "No, dip shit. The picture." Carl looks confused then takes the photograph out of his pocket. You softly smile when you realize that it's a picture of you both. "Awww, Carl. Does somebody have a crush?" You ask him but then feel bad when you see the crushed look on his phone.

"Fuck off." He replies harshly. You decide not to press the subject anymore. Walking to the camp spot in the woods was a silent walk. When you were almost there you figured it was time to break the ice. "Hey, I'm sorry about earlier. I was just joking. I know that you and Edith just got out of a relationship. I shouldn't have said that." Carl stops walking and just stands there.

"What?" He says to you while slowly turning around. You stand still, unable to move as he walks close to you. "This had nothing to do with Edith. This had to do with me and you. That's it." You put your hand out to grab his. "Carl, what's wrong? What do you mean?" Carls expression softens as he sits down on the grass, bringing you down with him.

"It's daryl." He muttered. You gave him a confused expression. "What?" You reply. Carl fidgets with your fingers before he says anything. "I'm always too scared to talk to you when he's around. I mean, shit, if my dad found out I was disrespecting daryl he would put a foot up my ass." You laugh as his remark. "Carl, how would you be disrespecting daryl?" Carl scoots closer to you and grips onto the bottom of your shirt. "Because he's like your dad. And..I don't know. I just felt like if I told you I liked you...he would be mad." You lay your head on carls shoulder.

"He's not my dad Carl." Carl takes of his flannel and wraps it around you. "I feel better now because we talked about it. Does that mean I can treat you like my girlfriend?" You giggle while cupping his soft face. "Yes Carl." Carl kisses you and before anything else could happen, you heard a voice on the walkie talkie.

"Everything okay?" You hear Rick say. You and Carl both laugh before Carl replies to his dad.

"Yeah dad, perfect."

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