carl grimes smut/under the table

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You had been with this group of people since they found you alone on a bridge when you were 7. Now, at the age of 16 you were still with these people and basically adopted by them all. They loved you and you loved them, but you really loved the leader, Rick, son more than everyone else. His name was Carl. He was the same age as you and you grew up with him.


It was time for dinner, the dinner bell had rang and everyone who lived in Alexandria would come to the main house for dinner. This only happened once every month when the town had got together to show appreciation of how far they had come.

You walked towards the main house carrying a tub of icecream that Carol had made for everyone. Once you had got there you opened the door to see Rick and Carl already there setting up the table. You set the tub of ice cream down on the floor before awkwardly saying "Good afternoon Mr grimes, Carl." They both look at you but the only one who replied was Rick. "Howdy partner." He said while tipping his hat. You laughed at his remark.

You patiently waited by the door while everyone else from town rolled in. When they sat down, you realized the only seat left was next to Carl. You knew him, but you guys weren't exactly close. You sat down next to him and his eyes immediately looked at yours. You didn't mean to stare for that long but you realized you had when Daryl spoke. "Hey lovebirds are ya gonna eat?"

You laughed, looking down at your lap. You could feel Carls stare still being held on you. You became flustered and started to fumble with your hands under the table. Carl noticed that and your eyes darted at your thigh when you saw his hand was there, just rubbing up and down. This wasn't expected of Carl because he never really talked to you. He was quiet ever since his mom died a few years back.

Your breath hitched as Carls hands traveled near your crotch area. You could feel his hand pressing the denim of your shorts harder against your now wet vagina. What was happening? You thought to yourself as he began to scoot his chair closer to yours. "Carl." Rick spoke. The entire table went silent. "Yes?" Carl replied, his hand still not leaving your area. In fact, he was unbuttoning your shorts while talking to his father. "Get your elbow off the table. It's rude." Carl nodded and the table began speaking again.

His one hand was going under your underwear, his fingers tracing up and down your folds. He knew what he was doing, he was teasing you. "Hey Y/N, do you like the spaghetti?" Carl asked you. He wore a big smile on his face and you loved it. "Y-" you stopped speaking once he inserted a finger into you. "Everything okay?" Carl asked again. You looked at him with pleading eyes.

You nodded, looking down at your shorts. He pumped his fingers in and out of you making you hold back moans. Carl did it faster and deeper with every movement you made. You were holding onto the table as he roughly finger fucked you. Everyone started to get up and bring their dishes to Carol to wash. When everyone left the room it just left you and Carl alone for a short period of time.

He got close to your ear and whispered. "You like that love?" You gripped his hair tightly as you felt a knot form in your stomach. "Carl, please fuck.." you quietly moaned into his ear. "You better cum quick. Before they get back. You wouldn't want all your friends to know that I fuck you like this, hm?" Carl said while slightly nibbling on your ear.

The knot grew bigger and you were so close to cumming all it took was Carl saying "Y/N I'm gonna fuck you so good tomorrow." For you to cum all over his fingers. You couldn't hold your screams in anymore, you moaned so loud you knew the others would hear but in the moment you didn't care. Carl started to laugh as he pulled his fingers out of you. You quickly buttoned your shorts when you hear footsteps of the others.

"What's going on? We heard noises." Rick asked. Carl smiled, bringing his fingers up to his mouth and licking each one slowly. "Nothing. Y/N just really likes the food."

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