daryl dixon smut / birthday sex

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Not a request

Daryl Dixon had looked after you ever since he had found you on a highway a year back

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Daryl Dixon had looked after you ever since he had found you on a highway a year back. You were significantly younger than him which is why you both didn't put a label on the relationship you guys had for each other. But, Daryl knew you were his and you knew he was yours.

Today was your birthday. You were turning 28 and you were hoping that Daryl would have some sort of surprise for you. You looked over at Daryl in the bed you both shared in the prison. He was cuddled up against your chest, holding your waist with his hands.

"Daryl?" You whisper into his ear. He mumbled in his sleep and started to move around. You patted his hair and kissed the top of his head. "Daryl, baby you have to wake up soon." You added. Daryl finally woke up, his eyes meeting yours. "Good morning birthday girl." Was the first thing he said to you. You smiled because maybe apart of you thought he forgot.

"You didn't think I forgot, did you?" Daryl said laughing. You shrugged while running your hands through his greasy hair. "A man has never cared about me as much as you do. Most of them don't remember."  Daryl sat up and let you lay in his arms. "Those were all boys then. Real men would remember something as important as a birthday." You cupped his face, leaning in for a kiss.

"Mmm someone wants a gift already huh?" Daryl asked through the kiss. You could feel yourself getting wet at his words. They were like music to your ears. You got on top of daryl while taking your shirt off revealing your breast's. The sight of them made Daryl hornier than he probably already was.

"You're so hot Y/N." He whispered while gliding his fingers over your bra. You laughed at his motion for you to take off the bra. You took it off and he watched you. Your boobs dangled in his face making him sit up a little so he could take one in his mouth.

"Mmm.." Daryl hummed as he began sucking on your nipples. The pleasure made you rock your hips on his thigh to get any sort of friction. You were only wearing pajama shorts. "You're needy aren't you?" Daryl asked. You nodded your head yes and began slipping off your shorts. Daryl took out his cock and started to pump it before entering you.

"Daryl, would you please fuck me?" You ask whining. Daryl takes that as his cue to start thrusting inside of you. His size stretched you out and it took you a moment to adjust. Daryl rocked his head back in pleasure while he rested his hands on your hips. "You're so whiny sometimes Y/N. You know how hard it is not to fuck you constantly? When you act like this-" Daryl paused as you started to go faster on top of him.

"Fuck!" Daryl moaned. He grabbed a pillow and held it over his face to keep himself from screaming. You went faster and faster on top until he couldn't take you being in control any longer. He flipped you over so he was on top. "Fuck me Daryl." You say while reaching down to play with your clit. Daryl removes your hand and lined himself up with your entrance.

"Keep quiet, Y/N." Daryl demanded. He went in and out of you repeatedly until you were on the edge. You gripped the sheets as he went deeper inside of you. "Daryl, I'm gonna cum!" You practically yell. Daryl covers your mouth as you reach your limit. You moan into his hand as you cum. Daryl keeps going before cumming shortly after. He crashes down next to you while removing his hand off your face.

You were catching your breath when the cell door opened. You quickly try to grab a blanket to cover yourself. Daryl does the same before shouting. "Glen, not now man!" Glen quickly realizes what happened and shut the cell door. "Fuck. Sorry guys." Daryl let out a sigh and laughed. You turn to Daryl while playing with his hair. "What was that?" You ask.

Daryl kisses your forehead. "Your birthday surprise."

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