daryl dixon smut / black dress

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Daryl Dixon was a person in your group that never really talked to you. You would go on runs together sometimes but it was always silent. You thought he was just an asshole who preferred to be alone. Daryl really only ever talked to Rick, but Rick was the leader after all so he didn't really have a choice.

Rick walked up to you, his hands fisted at his sides. "Look, I need you to go with Daryl on a run today. Cars leavin' in ten." You nodded followed with a slow sigh. You didn't feel like having the awkward silence with Daryl today. But, you as well didn't have a choice.

You walked over to the car, Daryl in the front seat blasting some Cd he must have found on a run. You rolled your eyes at the sight, how stupid could he be? How reckless? "Hey, asshole. That's going to attract walkers." You spoke as you got in the passenger seat.

He scoffed, taking the cd out the CD player. "Whatever. I was just waiting for you to get out." You were shocked for a moment because this was the first time he actually spoke words to you. "That's a first." You said while letting out a small laugh. Daryl ignored you and began driving. A couple walkers passed here and there on the way, but that was quickly resolved when Daryl quickly ended their short lives.


Some time later

You and Daryl arrived at this abandoned town, it was small and barely any walkers were around. Sounded like an easy run. Daryl parked the car behind some trees a walk away from the town. You both got out the car, killing some walkers on your way into the first house that was on the street.

Daryl looked around a few times, then motioned for you to follow him into the house. "Go find something useful, why don't you?" He says with a certain harsh tone that makes you annoyed. You obey of course, walking away from him and turning a corner in the hallway that leads to the first bedroom. "Fucking prick." You mutter to yourself. You start looking through drawers, bags, really anything you could look through.

You open the door to the closet of the bedroom. You see a small, black dress hanging on the hanger. You laughed to yourself thinking about how that dress didn't get ruined throughout the entire apocalypse. Maybe that meant that dress was meant for you. You look behind you, to make sure Daryl wasn't there. After doing so, you smile as you take the dress off the hanger and close the door to the bedroom. Trying on a dress couldn't possibly hurt, right?

You slide your clothing off, letting it drop onto the floor. You slowly slide the dress up your figure, looking into the mirror as you did so. The dress looked nice on you, even yourself could admit it.

The bedroom door swung open, you let out a gasp but immediately caught your breath after you realized it was Daryl. "Asshole, I was changing. You could've knocked." You said. Daryl rolled his eyes at you, but you noticed he was looking you up and down. "This isn't the time for being a slut, don't you think? We're here on business and you're playing dress up."

Your eyes widened with anger, you started to yell but kept your voice at a minimum because of walkers. "Fuck you Daryl. I'm not going to apologize for wanting to live a little. What I do on my own time is none of your concern."

Daryl walked closer to you, his eyes meeting yours. He made sure you could feel his breath on your neck. The goosebumps forming on your neck only made him want you intimate you more. "It became my concern when you started taking interest in me. I notice it when you stare at me, when you talk to Carol about what I'm doin'." You couldn't help but looking at his lips and eyes back and forth.

"You're the one getting so protective over me when I'm just wearing a dress Daryl. If it's such a problem then come do something about it."

With that sentence only, Daryl swiftly took his knife out his pocket and sliced down the middle of your dress. Your body was exposed, so exposed it drove him crazy. He felt good knowing nobody else at camp had seen you this bare, this innocent for him. You couldn't take it anymore. You pushed him onto the bed, straddling his lap.

"You're such an ass, you know that Mr Dixon?" You said through giving him sloppy kisses. He unbuttoned his pants, slipping them down just a little bit to pull his cock out. You were amazed at how big it was. "Go on. Take 'em off." He demanded. You bit your lower lip and began sliding the remains off the dress off you, along with your panties.

He lined up his cock with your entrance, slowly inserting it into your wet cunt. You moaned at the force being put into you, at first it hurt but it slowly became pleasure. "Y/N why haven't I fucked you sooner? This is the best pussy I've had in years." Daryl moaned out. He kept pushing in and out of you until eventually you both were about to cum.

Suddenly, you heard footsteps and loud familiar noises. "Daryl, what was that?" You ask. He doesn't stop thrusting inside of you. "It's walkers, but they can fuck off im busy." Daryl replied. He kept pumping inside of you until a loud crash happened. You looked over and saw a ton of walkers trying to bust down the bedroom door. "Daryl!" You screamed. He ignored and kept going.

"Fuck!" He groaned out. His thrusts got sloppier and sloppier until he was done and over. You came as well, and held onto him while doing so. He tossed you your clothes and opened the window.

"Let's go. A shame that dress went to waste though."

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