Chapter 2 | 15 Minutes Of Fame

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Zenitsu's POV

"Thank you so much!" the lady exclaimed as she hugged me tightly, "You saved my baby! Without you she would've died out there!"

"It's not a problem at all, I couldn't have left here there" I said, the lady was crushing my ribs but I couldn't just tell her to lighten up. Her baby almost died, and she would've if I hadn't helped, and actually the both of us would've died without the help of that guy.

"Thank you so much again" she said as she picked up her girl and started away.

"Your welcome"

I was sitting in the lobby of the agency station waiting for someone, anyone. I didn't have my phone so I had to use the receptionist's phone. Kaigaku never picks up my calls, so as soon as he heard my voice he hung up, I tried to call Gramps a few times but he wouldn't pick up.

Though being in the station reminded me of my time in the academy.

The Department of Special Forces was a federal organization of special agents of sorts. People trained from a young age with specialized weapons for specialized divisions to survive and conquer in all sorts of situations, which is why they were such good fighters.

Though at one point the academy training curriculum got to be too much for me to handle. I had trouble keeping up with the others, and eventually I developed horrible anxiety that I still have even now. We did a lot of simulations on different terrain and different times of the day, the night simulations were the worst ones. The others would come at you while you couldn't see anything and it was almost like getting tackled by a ghost. And with everyone sneaking around it was horrifyingly quiet.

The day time simulations were utter chaos. If we weren't in teams we were playing battle royale, king of the hill. All sorts of games where we were pinned against each other. And nobody ever wanted me on their team, additionally my team never won soooooo... I didn't ever really like those games.

Now that I thought about it, I never really enjoyed the academy, the one class that I did enjoy was mechanics class. Though a lot of people really hated that class because it had a lot of complicated factors. I liked tinkering with equipment and testing them out. I remember my first invention with the provided supplies was a pair of gloves that discharged lightning from the palms. Though I dropped out before I perfected the design.

And I could never continue the project because unless you're a Department employee or an academy student it's illegal to produce weapons like that, it's illegal to own weapons like that unless you have a Department issued license. And only students and employees have those, but that only applies to people in a current position, it's still illegal if you're retired or a dropout who once had a license.

Sometimes I had passing thoughts of what could've been if I hadn't dropped out. But in the course of the few years I was at the academy I watched others come and go around me. Lots of people quit for lots of different reasons.


I sat down at the table with a plate of food, "Are you sure you're ok?" Gramps asked.

"I'm fine, I think I scraped my elbow or something but other than that I'm fine" I said.

"You know I was watching the News in the break room today and can you imagine my surprise when I saw my very own nephew running into the line of fire to save an injured child" he sighed dreamily.

"You couldn't have known it was even me" I said as I rolled my eyes playfully.

"I have never seen another person with lightning yellow hair like you have," he said with a smile.

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