Chapter 24 | Cold Voice

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Tanjirou's POV

I didn't really want to, but Rui wanted to meet me for actual business reasons so I kind of had to go.

"I'll be back as soon as possible" I told him as he washed the dishes from our breakfast even though I insisted I could do it.

"Ok" he nodded.

"Don't hesitate to call or text or both" I told him, "It's not a big deal, really Zenitsu"

He nodded again and rolled his eyes playfully, "I know that now, you already told me a bunch of times" he said, "I promise to let you know if anything happens."

I didn't have any trouble at the train station, it appeared like the agency had finally given me a break which was refreshing.

I sat at the cafe across from him, there was something off about him. There weren't any flirtatious comments or actions which was strange for him.

"Here" he said as he slid a folder across the table to me, "It happens tonight so be ready" he said.

I nodded, "Ok"

That was probably the strangest interaction I've ever had with him. No flirting, no bickering, just a straightforward business deal. Which is not like him, he's a teenage guy, he's prone to being annoying and obnoxious. But he was quite serious when I saw him, we didn't even talk too much. And after leaving the folder he left swiftly. Of course I didn't leave right after him, but I had time to think about how strange he was acting.

On the train ride home I reviewed the folder he had given me. It was taking place on the other side of the city, I would be gone probably several hours. And I didn't really want to leave Zenitsu alone for that long, but it would probably be fine I guess. I didn't have a doubt in my mind he could defend himself, but I was afraid of him getting hurt so terribly I had to take him to a certified medical professional.

Though I bet I could find a crooked doctor somewhere that wouldn't ask any questions. Shinji would know the information, I remember once when I was working under him I got hurt and needed stitches and he had a connection with someone. I'd have to call him to get the number.

"Did anything happen while I was gone?" I asked him as I sat down at the table across from him.

"No, I really think that yesterday I was being paranoid, maybe something that the painkillers did to me" he shook his head.

I sighed, "Alright, if you say so. By the way I'm going to be out to do a job for a few hours later tonight, are you ok with being left alone for some time?"

"Yeah I'll be fine" he said, though there was a slight shake in his voice.

"Do you know how to use the gloves?" I asked him. Nodding over to where they were sitting on the counter.

"Um, I think I know the basics," he said.

"Well then I'll leave you one of my gloves in case anything happens" I said, "I won't be wearing it anyway to grip the sword"

"Oh, yeah I guess that's not a bad idea" he said as he made a relieved expression.

"It's settled then, and if anything happens call me immediately" I said sternly.

He nodded, "Ok, ok, I'll be fine"


I sat perched on the tree on the side of the road, it was a road a little farther out from the city a little ways out into the forest. A supply truck would be passing by here towards a factory outside of the city. My job would be to hijack the entire thing and take it to the meeting spot.

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