Chapter 6 | Distractions

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Tanjirou's POV

I trusted my precious glove with a random stranger, whose name I don't even know. In hopes that said stranger would be able to fix my glove.

I sighed loudly, "Why do I do the things I do?" I asked myself as I stirred some canned soup in a pot.

Why did I though? What compelled me to hand over something so incriminating?

I thought back to the moment last night when I leaned over to get a good look into his amber eyes. They glowed like precious jewels, and his soft smile on his pale skin, there was something about this boy that was screwing with my head.

"Who even are you?" I mumbled to myself.

I thought back to the very first moment I saw him, I was walking away from the commotion calmly when I heard the cries of a little girl. I didn't bother to even look for the sound, 'it wasn't my concern', the agents would get here and they'd save her, they always do. And out of the corner of my eye I see someone dash across the street.

I stopped to look at the scene, he picked up the girl in her arms and then a car came flying at them. At the moment I just pitied them, but when I saw the boy turn around and I caught a glimpse of his amber eyes, something pushed me forward and compelled me to catch the car and save them both.

It was because I'd seen that look before, that calm terror while his life flahsed before his eyes. I saw it in the mirror I had in the hall of my old house while I discovered the dead bodies of my entire family.

I didn't bother to check if anyone was alive, so I ran. I still regret that moment, because Nezuko was alive. And that very last time I saw her in person I thought she was dead. And I could never go back to her either, everyone thought I had killed my family and then ran away. But there wasn't enough proof to pin it on me, only enough evidence to say that I had been at the scene. Still though, I couldn't just go back now, I would get arrested for multiple counts of arson and a boatload of other things. And everybody thought I had killed myself or something since nobody ever found my body or knew where I had gone, and whenever I went out I always tried to cover my face.

I think people had also forgotten about me and my family, even though the case was never officially closed.

Last I heard of Nezuko she was being fostered by some couple in the city, though they moved a while back and I couldn't find her after that.

But before I find her there's something I have to do, I have to destroy whoever killed my family. If I don't do that first then, I get the feeling whoever went after my family will come back to finish the job if I ever reveal myself.

I was getting close to figuring it out, I know I was. Over the course of my... 'career' I had made some connections, such as Rui and a few others. And through said connections I had come a lot closer to finding the man who killed my family.

His name was Muzan, though nobody knew him, or knew very much of him that is. He moved around a lot, so nobody could ever pin him down, but one day I know, I'm going to kill him. If it's the very last thing I do, as god as my witness I swear I'll kill him. Even if I never got to see Nezuko again, at least I would have avenged my family and made the world safer for her. If Muzan ever decided to hunt her down.

I wondered how the glove was going, I didn't know much mechanics personally. But there was something about the glimmer in the boy's eyes, I could just sense that he wasn't a liar, or he wasn't lying to me at the moment.


I sat in the corner of the café, the one that smelled like tiramisu. I dug my fork into a piece of a thick slice of the coffee cake while I turned a page of my book. Coraline, by Neil Gaiman. It was good, I'd read it before, though there was something about the book that always seemed to keep it exciting. Even when I knew what happened in every chapter, how well I knew the ending, how it felt like I knew all the characters as if they really existed.

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