﹔* 39 .

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I pressed upload curiously waiting for the reactions and comments I wanted to receive from other's .

I was bored and wanted to entertain myself , I knew it was childish for my age to tumble around with Teezy's mind playing mindless games towards him .

Today really consisted on me taking care of myself , it was just me myself and I . I had gotten my hair done , eyebrows , nails , toes and more .

I kinda liked being by myself and kinda didn't . I was partly sad that I didn't allow Teezy to tag along since I've been practically living in his house now , but he understands it .

"You alone ?." I snapped back into reality , slowly shifting my head over to my left meeting eyes with a tall male darkskin stranger .

I rolled my eyes not even bothering on searching his features , he was nowhere like Teezy .

And I just knew from his body language that he wasn't it . "I mean , yeah." I sent a rude reply hearing a light chuckle exit out of his mouth , seating down on the bar stool beside me .

I sighed heavily twirling my index finger on the edge of the glass in a circle , looking down at the half drunken absolut vodka.

I was waiting at the suga factory for Chachi and Syco since mama planned us to hang out , trying to sort things out with eachother. Knowing it wasn't that easy .

"What's with the attitude ?." The guy asks looking my way from the side . Yet , I didn't bother to even look at him , I just stared at the bartender admiring all the brand's of alcohol that was behind him .

"No attitude , so what do you mean ?." I took a small tip of the vodka hearing my phone vibrate against the glass . "What do you want by the way ? I'm waiting for my sister's."

"Damn." He sends a heavy sigh accepting his drink that he ordered . "You cutting me off just like that , what I do ?." He chuckles nervously gulping the drink . "What's up ? what's yo name ?."

"Chachi." I said her name lying to him trying to hold myself from laughing , he nods sending a confused look . "What's the problem ?."

"It's just an odd name."

I kissed my teeth . "And you starting a bullshit ass convo with me isn't odd ?." Suddenly I felt myself defending chachi's name for some reason , I didn't know why though .

I disliked this girl so much.

"Are you seeing someone or something ?." He asks being curious from the constant attitude I gave him .

"Yeah I am." I said boldly without thinking about hesitating.

"Okay so ?." He looks around the area trying to look around . "I don't see him so what's up ?." He say's , bringing his attention back at me before asking for another shot from the bartender .

"I'm seeing someone." I said again .

He gives me a dumb look telling me through his facial expressions that he didn't care if I was seeing someone . "Okay ?."

"So that means you can back the fuck up and scoot yourself to someone else." I sighed picking up the glass , drinking the rest of the vodka .

Squeezing my eyes together from how strong it was , coughing lightly . I finally made eye contact with him seeing he was trying to reply something back to me but I had gotten up from the stool grabbing my phone .

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