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"watchu' looking down for ? You did this to yourself teezy." Trel asks curiously.

I groaned making myself comfortable on my couch, shutting my eyes remembering the thing's I've done on this exact couch. "Shut up, don't speak to me."

"Nigga." Trel sucks his teeth aggressively. "Shordy I shouldn't be talking to you yo', I don't even know why my ass is even here but I had to see you because I wanted to see how you were doing."

"Well, I'm fine Trell."

"Why didn't you tell us that you were working with the feds bro ?" Trel huffed hiking his pants up standing in front of me, covering the television. "Man you fucked friendships up for the both of us, and spying on them really ? Come on man." Trell scoffs upset at me. "Shit foul."

I dropped my head down to my knees kissing my teeth. "I did what I had to do, it was my job, I took an oath nigga. Shut yo' mouth trel."

"You took an oath but fucked up spying on them without a warrant, what they give you after the court hearing ?" Trel asks curiously, I got up from the couch walking towards the kitchen searching through the fridge to find something to eat.

"You see this shit on my ankle, stop asking dumb shit you know the answer to. And I was planning to see her and shit."

My brother chuckles to himself staring at me in disbelief. "See who ? Dawg, you know damn well scuba don't want to see yo' ass Teezy, you know that right bro ?"

"I don't care what the fuck y'all say, that girl love me." I rolled my eyes grabbing vanilla yoghurt pulling the wrapper off. "She might not say it to me directly but I know scuba love me."

"Shordy tried to kill you twice and you worried about that ?" He chuckled holding onto his stomach throwing himself on the couch.

I know what I was saying was true, I cared about her and tried everything to not get her arrested, I would've never went on that stand and told the court she pulled a gun on me; trying to kill me.

But Cortez found out either way, it was never my intent. I know she says that Wooda always had her back but I always tried to find a way to have hers.

I'm not tweakin about them having an old relationship, I'm only tripping because she thinks I wasn't there for her and helped her with shit.

"I'ma call her, toss me my phone Trell." I said watching my phone fly in the air catching it just in time before it dropped, dialling the prison I put my phone on speaker letting my phone rest on the counter as Trell made his way towards me.

"Hello ?" Her voice beams weakly over the line.

"Wasgud scu."

"..." Scuba sighs not saying a word for a few seconds, trell glanced at me with a dumb expression, I already know he was about to tell me that I looked so dumb right now and that he told me so. "Don't ask me how the fuck I'm doing you."

"Sorry, I just wanted to talk to you and see if you're okay."

"There's literally nothing for us to talk about Teezy." She scoffs over the line as small murmuring began in the background. "Everything was settled and done at the court, you told me that you weren't going to mention that."

"I know bra, I'm sorry." I ran a hand down my face feeling disappointed of myself.

"You switched on me Teezy .. you should've never went on that stand."

"Scuba, I'm really not trying to start an argument with you right now please." I pleaded sighing to myself heavily. "I don't do agruments come on bra."

"Fuck that, regardless if you don't do arguments I'm gon' speak my shit either way, because I'm fucking pissed at you Teezy." She huffed. "And I swear to fucking god if you mention shit about love I will end this call right now."

"She acting like she some lion, fuck she raging for ?" Trell questioned behind me, I sucked my teeth hitting the back of his head. "She be getting beat by the jailbirds huh."

"Trell I can hear you, me getting beat on his none of your business." She replies earning a laugh from him.

"We already knew you getting your ass rocked from that weak as voice you got right now, how you a killer and can't fight back-" I hit him across his head again smirking under my breath.

"You have jokes, I really hope that baby of yours come out ugly like your opp as brother Teezy." I sucked my teeth at her response groaning loudly. "Mhm."

"A'ight now, you just saying petty shit." I cleared my throat shooing trell away. "What they be feeding you ? You want me to send you some money for your books ?"

"No, it's okay my mom and syco are already doing that."

"But I want to, I just want to show you that I still care about you." I smiled. "Maybe partly annoyed that your lawyer got me on house arrest and suspended for 3 months."

"Hm, well, you aren't going to hear from me for awhile so I just wanted to say thank you for helping me try to help and love myself when I was with you."

"Watchu' mean by that ?" The whole vibe started to shift, it felt so weird, she was furious and mad at me for a second now she's venting to me like this was going to be my last time speaking to her.

"Nothing major, tell my mom's and syco that I love them." She pauses taking a deep breath. "And tk and Trell, I love you Teezy."

short chap.

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