You Meet Them

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When you offered to help your friend Mirabel neaten up her room after an indoor hurricane (Pepa we're looking at you), you hadn't really expected the mess to be as bad as it was. However, every literal thing that was and was not nailed down had been flung a thousand which-ways, furniture included. Finally, though, after several hours, most of everything was in its usual place.

"So," you said, helping Mirabel shove her bed back into the corner. "What set off your tía, again?"

"Not sure," Mirabel admitted. "Something Félix said, I think. They've made up, but she was really mad."

The bed slid into place, and you sat on the edge of it, letting out a "phew."

"Thanks for helping," Mirabel said. "I'll go get us something to eat."

"Want me to come with you?"

"Nah, you've done enough. I'll be right back."

Mirabel left, and you stood up. Your plan was to close the window, which you'd left open after throwing out some of Isabela's squashed flowers that had been blown in by the hurricane. However, you stepped on a paintbrush you'd missed, which sent you careening towards the window. Lucky you, your instinctive flailing was enough to send you toppling right out of it, too. Fortunately (sort of), that same flailing managed to tangle your leg in the curtain, which save you from falling two floors down and landing on your head.

You found yourself hanging upside down by your leg. You didn't dare move that leg in case it untangled itself from the curtain and you fell to your death, and besides, your hands were a bit busy holding up your skirt.

"Of all the days to not wear anything under the skirt but panties," you muttered. You raised your voice. "Hey! Help! Is anyone up there? Mirabel! I fell out the window . . . because reasons! Hello?"

You waited. Nothing. Mirabel was probably downstairs, getting the two of you a snack by now. How long would that take? Five minutes? Ten? Long enough for so much blood to rush to your head that it started pouring out your ears?

Suddenly, you heard a soft squeak from above you. You looked up. Maybe all the rushing blood was affecting your vision, but you could have sworn you glimpsed a woman with a red bow and poufy bun pull her head back inside. A minute later, however, you heard running footsteps. Mirabel's face appeared above you.

"(Y/N)!" she yelped. "How did – hold on! Dolores, grab an arm!"

She grabbed one of your hands, and someone else grabbed the other. Once you were back in Mirabel's room, listening to your blood rush back to its usual locations, you got a good look at the other woman who had pulled you inside. Like you'd glimpsed, she had a poufy bun, red hair bow . . . and she was really pretty. She kept staring at you, and that just made the blood rush back up to your face.

Mirabel noticed the woman's staring. "(Y/N), this is my cousin Dolores," she said. "She's the one with super-strong hearing. She heard you yell for help. Dolores, this is (Y/N), the friend I told you about."

"Thanks for the save," you said. "I hope I didn't flash you when you were helping me up."

"I didn't see anything," Dolores promised. "Are you all right? Your face is still really red."

"I was hanging upside down," you said. "And you're—I mean. Um. You're . . ."

Dolores blinked at you. Behind her, Mirabel caught your eye and smirked. She could tell what was happening, you knew. Of fricking course she could. She made a rolling motion with her hand, then stood up and marched out the door, proclaiming, "Well, I'll go get that snack now. You two just stay here!"

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