The First "I Love You"

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You were walking Dolores home after a date, and silence had fallen for a few minutes. Not an uncomfortable silence or anything, just a lull in the conversation.

"Hey," you said. You took Dolores's hand, and she looked at you. "Want to know something I haven't told anyone yet?" you asked.

"A secret?" she asked.

"No," you said. "I want everyone to know this. But I want you to be the first."

She stopped walking and took your other hand with a smile.

"Tell me," she said.



"I love you," you said.

Her smile widened and she kissed you.

"That's funny," she said. "I have a secret just like that."


"I love you, too."


"(Y/N)? I – oh. Are you asleep?"

You were trying to fall asleep, so you didn't answer Luisa. The two of you were cuddling in her room, and honestly, you were too comfortable to want to move for the next couple of hours.

"I guess you are," she mumbled. She pulled you a little closer. "That's all right. I'll tell you I love you when you wake up."

You opened your eyes and sat up. She jumped.

"(Y/N)! Were you just pretending to sleep?"

"I was half-asleep," you said.


You cut her off with a kiss.

"I love you, too, Luisa."


You and Bruno were seated on the stairs in his room, about halfway up because your legs said no. You were in the middle of playing with one of his rats when you noticed that he had stopped inputting into the conversation. You looked up. He was giving you the same unblinking stare that he'd given you after you kissed him for the first time.

"What's up?" you asked. "You look like you got hit with one of Pepa's lightning bolts. Either that or an epiphany."

"I guess I did," he said. "The epiphany. I mean, I have been hit by Pepa's lightning, but it was the epiphany just now."

"About what?" you asked. "Did you figure out how you want to end this season of your telenovela?"

"No. I'm still stuck on that."

"I keep telling you, you shouldn't have killed off Ricardo," you said, handing him the rat in your hands. "Maybe you should have him come back."

"But they buried him!"

"How do we know who was in the coffin? No one ever opened it."

"That's—" He stopped. "You're distracting me."

"Sorry," you said. "So what was your epiphany?"

"I love you," he said.

You blinked, then smiled.

"I love you, too," you said, hugging him. "But seriously, bring back Ricardo. It'll save your plot."

"What if it was his twin who died, instead?"

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