They Have A Nightmare

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With all honesty, you hadn't noticed that Dolores had fallen asleep. You just figured she'd gone quiet beside you, which was fine. Sometimes, hanging out in silence was still great, just because you were near the person you loved.

Dolores twisted beside you. Not like she was just rolling over or something, but a sharp, sudden movement, like she was trying to throw off an invisible weight. You sat up and looked down at her.

"Dolores?" you asked.

She didn't respond. You touched her shoulder, and she sat bolt upright with a gasp.

"Are you all right?" you asked. "You were acting . . . possessed."

She rubbed at her eyes. "A nightmare, I guess," she said.

"About what?"

"I dreamed I'd gone deaf," she said. "That scared the life out of me. I mean, my gift can be a bit . . . much at times, but I'm still glad I have it. It can be a lot of fun. So when I went deaf in the dream, I started to panic, and next thing I know, you're waking me up."

You put an arm around her, and she leaned into you. "Hey," you said. "It's all right now."

She smiled.


You were always glad to get away from the hustle and bustle of the town with Luisa. The forest, as long as you didn't go too deep, was a nice break from everything. Today, you and Luisa had sat down in the shade of a palm tree. Chatting had turned into contented silence, which then turned to napping.

You were startled out of your own dream (featuring one of Luisa's sisters as a dancing cupcake) when something fell across your lap. You jumped and looked down, ready to fend off an overly-friendly fox or whatever, but found to your relief that it was simply Luisa. She must have fallen over in her sleep. It took you a moment to realize that the corners of her mouth were twisted into a frown. Hm.

"Luisa?" You shook her shoulder. "Hey, wake up."

She mumbled something, then opened her eyes.

"Are you okay?" you asked. "You looked like you were having some sort of bad dream."

"Sort of," she said. "I dreamed that everyone in town wanted the trees in the forest rearranged, and they wanted me to do it. And I was mad because Isabela didn't want to help me."

You grinned.

"You should go back to sleep and tell everyone that the trees are fine the way they are," you said.

"Or I should fall asleep and dream that they asked Isabela instead."

"Why don't you dream both?"


You didn't notice that Bruno had fallen asleep until his head dropped onto your shoulder. You glanced back at him. The two of you had been sitting back-to-back, reading your own books, but now he was fast asleep, his head tipped back and his book abandoned on his lap. One of his rats sniffed at the edge of the book, and you hastily reached back to shoo it away, not wanting Bruno to end up with a missing chapter in his latest pick.

Your sudden movement almost caused Bruno to fall over, but you managed to catch him, an arm around his shoulders, at the last minute. He didn't wake, but he did mumble something in his sleep. You stopped moving, leaning a little closer. What was he saying? Something about capsizing and drowning? He didn't say anything else, but he twisted in his sleep so that his cheek was pressed firmly against yours.

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