They Walk In On You Changing

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A/N: For this scenario, you were over at the Casita, and while getting a drink in the kitchen, you spilled the drink all over your blouse. You headed to your character of choice's bedroom to change, knowing your character of choice was occupied elsewhere. (Also, I don't know where you got the fresh blouse. Maybe you borrowed someone else's. Feel free to use your imagination.)


Note to self: next time you change clothes in someone else's bedroom, lock the door. You were just pulling your blouse over your head when the doorknob clicked. You spun around to find Dolores standing with her hand still on the doorknob, her eyes so wide that they were almost perfectly round. You immediately pulled your blouse back down.

"Dolores!" you whisper-shouted.

She squeaked.

"Close the door!"

"Sorry!" she said.

You started to undress again, but stopped when you realized that she hadn't moved.


She hastily backed out of the room, pulling the door shut after her.


You never would have noticed that Luisa had opened the door at all if she hadn't said anything. There you were, blouse off, ready to put on the new one, when suddenly:

"(Y/N), are y— oh god! Sorry, sorry!"

You hastily clutched the fresh blouse over your chest and turned around. Luisa, her face redder than a tomato, immediately covered her eyes and began feeling around for the doorknob behind her.

"I'm sorry!" she said again. "I didn't know you were in here, or topless, and . . . why are you topless? No, I'll ask later, sorry! Just—" she finally found the doorknob and stumbled out of the room "—just finish dressing, I'll wait out here!"

The door clicked shut behind her, and you could hear her continue to apologize from the other side.


Maybe you shouldn't have changed right smack in the entryway of Bruno's room, but you weren't about to go through that sand shower with a wet blouse. Maybe, though, you should have thought about locking the door. That thought only occurred to you when Bruno opened said door and walked in.

He spotted you, froze, and you saw the panic hit him when he realized exactly what he was looking at. He grabbed a bucket that was sitting near the door and promptly slammed it over his head.

"Miércoles!" he yelped, backing away from you. "I'm sorry! I didn't know you were . . . sorry! What happened to your blouse?"

"I spilled my drink on it," you said. "Give me a second to put on this clean one, and then you can take off the bucket."

"No thanks," he said. He backed up further and collided with the wall. "I'll just stay like this."

"Why?" You pulled on the blouse, secured it properly, then approached Bruno. You tipped up the bucket, looked at him for a second, and then grinned. "Are you blushing?" you asked.


You kissed him, then pushed the bucket back down.

"All right," you said. "We'll both pretend we didn't see anything."


You were in the middle of changing – that is, wet blouse off and on the floor, and reaching for the new one – when Camilo opened the door and waltzed in like he owned the place. (Which he technically did, but that wasn't any excuse.)

"Camilo!" you shrieked, hands flying to your chest. "Get out!"

He blinked, then smirked at you. "Of course, (Y/N). Anything you say." He shapeshifted into you, blew you a kiss, and bolted from the room.

You pulled on your blouse as fast as humanly possible and ran after him. "CAMILO!" you screamed. "PUT ON A TOP OR TURN INTO SOMEONE ELSE! DIOS MÍO, YOUR FAMILY'S HERE—"


The door opened without warning, and before you'd even turned around, you knew who the intruder was. Mainly because she walked in saying, "(Y/N), I finished helping Antonio, and Dolores said you were in h—"

Mirabel stopped, staring at you. You covered yourself with your hands. She continued to stare.


"Right! Sorry!" She turned around so quickly that she ran smack into the doorframe. She hastily recovered her glasses, then sneaked another quick peek at you.


"Sorry!" She left, then stuck her hand back in the room. "But you know . . ." She gave you a thumbs up.

You pushed her hand out and closed the door.

"You're not sorry at all!" you called through the door, pulling on the fresh blouse.

"Not really, no!"


In hindsight, you should have changed behind one of Isabela's trees or something, and not out in the open where anyone who walked through the door could see. Isabela walked through her door, all right, spotted you, and smirked. You hastily grabbed your fresh blouse.

"Isabela! Get out!"

"Why?" She leaned on the doorframe and put a hand on her hip. "It's my room."

"I'm changing!" you protested.

"All the more reason to stick around," she said.

You rolled your eyes and marched over to the nearest tree, positioned yourself behind it, and only then resumed changing.

"Spoilsport," she said.

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