They See You Cry

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A/N: All right, I am going to assume that you are human and therefore cry sometimes. For this scenario, you are crying alone somewhere (varies by scenario), and this is the first time that your character of choice has really seen you cry. Also, I never specify why you are crying, so feel free to pick whatever reason you wish. I did, I must confess, write these with the idea of sad emotions in mind, but if you prefer that you stubbed your toe really bad and ran off to cry off the pain in private, cool. Your reasons for crying are up to you.


The light tap on the bathroom door startled you, and you hiccupped on one of your sobs.

"Occupied!" you yelled.

The door opened anyway. It was Dolores. Of course it was Dolores; she must have heard you crying from across the Casita. You buried your head back in your knees.

"(Y/N)?" she whispered. She knelt beside you, and you felt one of her hands on your back. "What's wrong?"

Your response was to sob harder.

"It'll be all right," she said.

You heard her shut the bathroom door again, and a moment later, her arms wrapped around your shaking shoulders.

"Whatever it is," she said, "I'm here for you."

You flung your arms around her neck and continued crying, now into her shoulder.


You were sitting under a tree pretty well back from the road, so you really didn't expect anyone to find you like this. Funny how that turned out.

"(Y/N)? Hey! I was hoping to run into you!"

You jumped and looked up. Someone was headed your way. You wiped your eyes with the edge of your skirt and looked again. It was Luisa, with what looked like a bundle of logs on one shoulder. She dropped the logs (which shook the ground a bit) and ran over to you.

"(Y/N), I have some free time after lunch, and I was wondering if you—" She stopped, spotting the fresh tears leaking out of your eyes. "(Y/N)? What's wrong?"

You shook your head.

"Hey, it'll be all right," she said. She sat down next to you and hugged you tightly. "I'm here."

"But—" Your sobs choked off the rest of the question, and you gestured vaguely at the bundle of logs.

"No," she said. "It can wait. My free time is right now because you need it right now."


"No buts." She held you tighter, and you returned the embrace.


Apparently, it had been longer than you'd thought since you had gone off to cry. At the very least, it had been long enough that Bruno came looking for you. You heard him walk into his room, calling for you.

"(Y/N)! Are you in here? You've been gone a while, and at first I thought you went to the bathroom, but Dolores said she thinks she heard you come in here."

His voice grew closer, and you hesitated. You wanted to be alone, but then – you also wanted Bruno. You wiped the worst of the tears off of your face and crawled forward. Bruno jumped; he probably hadn't expected you to be hiding under the first set of stairs in his room.

"(Y/N)? What were you doing under there?"

"Hiding," you whispered. Your voice was strained and a bit shaky, even to your own ears.

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