You Do Their Hair

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A/N: According to my girlfriend, this needed to be a chapter. Therefore, it is now a chapter. Enjoy.


By whatever forces of fate, you ended up at the Casita in the early hours of the morning, chatting with Mirabel. Mirabel eventually excused herself for the bathroom, and you were left alone until—


You turned. Dolores stood just behind you, her hair down around her shoulders and a hairbrush in hand.

"Hey, Dolores," you said. "I was just about to come looking for you."

"Good timing, then," she said. "I have a favour to ask."

"What's that?"

"Can you help me put up my hair?" she asked. "I usually ask Isabela or my má, but I heard you here . . ."

"I'd love to," you said, taking the hairbrush. "You'll have to walk me through it, though; I don't really know how you get it up like that."

"Let's go somewhere where I can sit down, first."


You practically kicked open Luisa's door in your rush to get inside. Luisa jumped, but recovered quickly enough to stop you running into the wall. You clutched her for support.

"Sorry . . . I'm . . . late!" you wheezed. "I lost track of time!"

"It's all right," Luisa said. She glanced at the clock on her wall. "Also, you're not late."

"I'm . . . huh?" You checked your watch. "Wait, that's what time it was twenty minutes ago." You took off your watch and shook it with a groan. "Figures!" you said. "Of all days for my watch to break, it breaks on a day I have a date."

Luisa grinned and kissed you. "Hey, as long as you're early, we might as well start our date now," she said. "It works out."

You smiled. She moved towards the door, and you noticed something.

"Hey, your bun is coming loose," you said.

She stopped and patted her hair. "I guess so," she said, surprised. "I didn't even notice."

"Here, let me fix it for you," you said.

She smiled and fetched her hairbrush before sitting down on the floor in front of you. "Thanks," she said.



You blinked, dragged out of your daydream by the word. You and Bruno had been sitting together, reading your own separate books in comfortable silence, but now Bruno was looking over at you.

"Oh . . ." you said. "I finished my book. Guess I started daydreaming."

"About what?" he asked, closing his own book. "You were giving me a weird sort of stare."

"I was actually trying to picture your hair in a ponytail," you said.

"A what?"

"A ponytail. Bet it'd be cute."

He glanced around his room, then grabbed his hairbrush and handed it to you. "Here," he said. "And . . . here." He picked up a string from his dresser and handed that to you as well. Then he sat down and turned his back to you.

"Let's find out," he said.

You grinned and began brushing his hair into ponytail position. "It's definitely going to be cute," you said.

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