They Ask You For A Second Date

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A/N: I know at least one scenario mentions lipstick. If you don't use that, then change it to chapstick, because I hope you use that. Hydration and chapped lips are no joke, peeps.


You certainly had expected to see Dolores again at some point, but you hadn't expected that point to be first thing the morning after your first date. Yet, you had barely poured your coffee when there was knock on the door, and when you opened it, it was Dolores. You were surprised, but certainly not displeased.

"Hi," you said. "Great timing, actually. I just woke up."

"I know," she said. "I waited until I heard you walking downstairs to come here. That's not weird, is it?"

"No," you said. "I appreciate that you waited until I was awake."

You sat down on your front step with your coffee, and Dolores sat next to you.

"So what's up?" you asked.

"You know our date yesterday?" she asked.

"Best date of my life," you said. "So, yeah."

"I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since it ended," she admitted. "I wanted to ask if you wanted to get lunch today, too."

"I'll do you one better," you said. "Let's get breakfast."

She smiled. "Do you want to finish your coffee first?"

"It's in a cup. I'll take it with me."

You stood and offered her your hand. Her smile broadened, and she took it.


"(Y/N)! Wait a second!"

You paused, foot on the threshold of your house. You turned in time to see Luisa almost bowl over a few pedestrians in her desperate sprint to catch you before you went inside.


"Sorry!" she called over her shoulder at the startled couple. "Sorry," she said to you. "I was hoping to catch you before you got home."

"Then you're just in the nick of time," you said. "What's up?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to grab lunch again tomorrow," she said. "I really, really like you, and I've been thinking about our date basically since the second it ended. I can't believe I forgot to ask you for a second date!"

"I'll remind you to ask for a third one tomorrow, then," you said, smiling. "I've been thinking about you, too."

"It's a date, then?"

"It's a date."


Visiting Pepa was always an experience, usually because of her weather-causing emotions. This time, however, you'd barely stepped in the door of the Casita before she grabbed your arm and started pulling you upstairs, talking a mile a minute.

"(Y/N)! Good, you're here! I want you to tell me every single detail of your date with Bruno! He doesn't get out much, but I just knew you two would hit it off."

"Uh, we did lunch," you said. "That's about it."

A patch of clouds gathered over her head. "That's not details," she huffed. "Have you two even kissed yet?"

You blushed. "Pepa!"

"So you have!" She smirked, and little rays of sunshine dispersed her clouds. "I knew it! He had that dopey grin on his face when he walked in yesterday, and I don't think he stopped smiling for the rest of the day!"

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