They Catch You Doing Something Embarrassing

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Dolores had left you alone in her room while she went to see what her mother wanted downstairs. You wandered over to the bureau and sat down. Dolores had an array of hair ribbons, earrings, and necklaces (mostly chokers) scattered across the surface. So naturally, you began trying them on.

Dolores still didn't return, so you began to get creative with the accessories. You ended up with the necklaces in particular, testing your ability to balance them on your ears, your puckered lips, whatever. You were just starting to see if you could get one to stay on the tip of your nose when the door opened behind you.

You froze. In the mirror, you could see Dolores standing in the doorway. And she saw you. With a necklace on each ear, a necklace on your puckered lips, and a necklace barely staying on the tip of your nose. You knew she saw you because she began giggling.

"What are you doing, mi vida?" she asked.

You let the necklace on your lips fall so you could speak. "Pretending you saw nothing," you said.

She crossed the room and kissed the top of your head. "Oh, I saw everything," she said, grinning. "And you know it."



Normally, you didn't play in the mud. But you were walking through the town when two little girls accosted you and demanded you judge their mud pie contest. One thing led to another, and the next thing you knew, you were playing in a mud puddle with several little kids.

"My pies are taller!" one girl yelled at the boy next to her. "That means they're better!"

"Nu-uh!" the boy said. "Mine are wider, so they're better!"

A small tussle broke out (with a lot of giggling), and both kids ended up falling in the mud.

"Hey!" the girl complained. "Now I have mud on my face!"

"What's wrong with that?" you asked, grinning as you sculpted your own mud pies.

"It's on my nose! It looks like a moustache!"

"Does it?" You contemplated the girl, then dipped a finger in the mud and drew a line under your nose. "Well, I bet my moustache is better."

The kids all laughed. The girl's smile returned, and soon, she was competing with her friends for "best mud moustache."

"I like (Y/N)'s better than yours," said one boy.

"Whatever! Look, mine's longer!"

You drew another line on your face. "Yeah?" you said. "Now I have two moustaches. Beat that!"

Amid the new shouts of laughter, you became aware of someone behind you chuckling. You looked up.

"Luisa?" you squeaked. "Uh. How long—"

"Long enough." Luisa crouched down, trying very hard to keep her face straight. "And might I say, you look lovely with two moustaches."

You were probably blushing. If you were, Luisa didn't care. She kissed you, mud moustaches and all.



You had decided to surprise Bruno by dusting his bookshelves for him. A few minutes in, though, and you were bored. You decided to pep up the task a little and began humming a jaunty tune. Before long, that escalated into a full-on dance number, embellished with some very theatrical dusting. You finished with a flourish and tossed the duster into the air for full effect as you struck a dramatic pose. You then turned – and Bruno was standing in the doorway.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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