First Kiss

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A/N: Prior to this scenario, you had your lunch date with your character of choice and it was awesome. I'm not going to write the date itself, because everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, has a different idea of a great date. You like picnics? Cool. You like romantic candle-lit dinners in the middle of the day? All right. You like café dates? Nice. You like dates where your brother shows up randomly and accidentally third-wheels you, not realizing you're on a date? Awesome. Your date was whatever you'd like. And this is after.

Extra A/N for Bruno's scenario: At some point on your date, Bruno definitely demonstrated his dorky acting skills, because of course he would. Work that into whatever date you imagined.


Dolores offered to walk with you back to your house after your date, which was sweet, but you noticed that she started glancing over her shoulder as you started walking, as if she was listening to someone you couldn't hear . . . which she probably was. Because magic.

"Someone's calling you, aren't they?" you asked.

"Well . . ." She glanced over her shoulder again, in the direction of the Madrigal house. "My papá is looking for me," she admitted. "But I don't want to just ditch you after our date. Maybe I could walk you halfway home."

You took her hands, smiling. "Dolores," you said, "you don't need to walk me home. Just keep an ear out for me until I get there, if you think I won't be safe."

"Of course you'll be safe," she said quickly. "I was hoping . . . um . . ."

You realized what she meant. "You were hoping for a romantic doorstep moment?" you asked.

She blushed. You held her hands just a bit tighter, redirecting her gaze to you. "Well," you said slowly. You glanced around, then pulled her a few steps forward. "Here. This is a doorstep."

She giggled. "A barber's shop doorstep."

"Sorry, it's the best I can do right now," you said.

"It's perfect," she said.

You kissed her. For a few seconds after, she stood, smiling, eyes closed. You nudged her.

"I didn't put you to sleep, did I?" you teased.

She opened her eyes and nudged you back. "On the contrary, you woke me up. Now I know for sure you're not just a dream."

You grinned. "Smooth."

"I thought so," she said. She winced a second later. "Geez! Now my mamá is shouting for me. I'd better get going. See you later?"

"Not soon enough, I'm sure."

She hurried down the road, and you watched her for a few minutes before turning towards home.


After your date, you offered to walk Luisa home, and one thing about walking with Luisa? She was fast. Or you were slow. Either way, about halfway down the road, she noticed that you were falling behind and suggested taking a break. You gratefully accepted the idea, and the pair of you sat on the roadside, watching the general bustle of the town.

"This is nice," Luisa said after a moment. "I don't take a whole lot of breaks. I mean, it used to be worse. I used to feel like I was being useless anytime I stopped to catch my breath. I've gotten much better with that."

You took her hand. She kept talking. "I don't feel anywhere near that amount of pressure these days, but obliged or not, I still like to stay busy. Don't get me wrong, breaks are important. But I'd rather be doing something than sitting around, you know?"

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