They Use A Pet Name For You

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It was one of those days – the days when you just didn't want to leave Dolores, even though you two weren't really doing anything. You were laying with your head on her shoulder, her head on top of yours, and you finally broke the comfortable silence.

"Dolores?" you said.


"Any chance you know what time it is?"

"Someone in town just said it was almost eight. So almost eight."

"I should go, then, I guess." You prepared yourself to stand up, but she took your hand in hers and gave it a squeeze.

"Do you have to?" she asked. "This is nice."

"Dolores, you probably have to go to dinner in five minutes."

"That's five minutes I could be here with you, mi vida."

You grinned to yourself like an idiot at the "mi vida." You were pretty sure she'd never called you that before.

"All right," you agreed. "I'll stay until dinner."


You and Luisa were enjoying an afternoon walk along the edge of the forest when a stream cut through your path.

"Maybe this is a sign we should go back," you said. "I'm wearing socks today. Nothing's worse than wet socks."

"We don't have to go back yet," Luisa said. "I'll carry you over."

"You shouldn't have to get your shoes wet because I suggested taking a walk."

"Amor, that stream isn't even ankle deep, and it'll take five steps to cross at the most. My shoes will dry."

"Well . . ."

She grinned and nudged you. "Come on. Shoes dry much faster than socks."

You grinned and wrapped your arms around her neck. "You win," you said.

She scooped you up and started across the stream. Only then did it hit you:

"You just called me 'amor,' didn't you?" you asked.

Luisa immediately slipped and fell into the stream, dropping you in the process.

"(Y/N)! Sorry!"

"I'm fine." You wiped flecks of water from the splash out of your eyes. "You called me 'amor?'"

"I guess so. Is that not okay? I kind of thought you might appreciate the occasional nickname like that, or something. Was I wrong? If I was wrong, I can stop."

"No, it's perfectly fine." You leaned over and kissed her. "It was just a surprise."

There was a moment of silence.

"(Y/N)?" she said finally.


"This stream is really cold."

"Yeah. We should probably get out of it and find somewhere sunny to sit for a while."


You and Bruno were hanging out in his room . . . at the top, because he'd agreed to give you a piggyback ride for half of the stairs. He was sprawled on his bed with a book, and you were examining the bookshelf for a book of your own. You'd narrowed it down to two, but you were having trouble choosing. Hm. Why not ask Bruno which was better? They were his books, after all.

"Hey, Bruno?" you called.

He didn't look up from his book, but he turned towards you slightly. "What is it, cariño?" he asked.

Cariño? "Did you just call me 'cariño?'" you asked.

"Did I just . . ." Now he looked up. "Oh. Did I?"

"You did."

"Oops." He stared at you, and you saw a bit of panic creep into his eyes. "Is that bad? I should apologize, shouldn't I?"

"No." you grabbed one of the books at random, joined him on the bed, and kissed his cheek. "Don't. It's sweet."


Apparently, your running five minutes late was enough to send your boyfriend into worry-mode. You could hear him freaking out to his sister as you climbed the stairs.

"Dolores, can you hear her? Is she all right?"

"Camilo, she's—"

"Mi amada is never late! She's always early! Ay, dios mío, I bet something happened to her. Dolores—"

"Camilo!" Dolores grabbed him by the collar and spun him around. "Relax! She's two meters away from you. Dios mío, indeed!"

She dropped him and walked off, shaking her head. You snorted with laughter and held out your arms for a hug. He gratefully accepted.

"Remind me not to lose my shoes in the future," you said. "I didn't realize I was always so early for our dates." You released him, then poked him in the shoulder. "Now, about this 'mi amada' business—"

Camilo ran a hand through his hair distractedly. "Crap," he said. "Is that not a good thing to call you? If we're not that serious or something—"

"Camilo, I think you're still panicking." You looped your arm through his and started to lead him downstairs. "You know exactly how serious we are. No, I'm not upset. I just wish you'd call me that in person, yes?"

He grinned. "How much?" he teased. "I bet I could make you wish I'd stop by the end of our date."

"I bet you could, too."

"I won't." He kissed you. "You're mi amada, after all."


You sat on the edge of Mirabel's bed, watching as she embroidered a new design into her favourite skirt.

"What do you think?" she asked. "Should I make this part green, or blue?"

"Which blue?" you asked.

"Good question. Which one's your favourite?"

"Shouldn't it be your favourite? I mean, it is your skirt."

"I'm making this part thinking of you, mi corazón. I want to know your pick."

"Mirabel, that's so sweet! I – uh. Did you say corazón?"

She laid down her embroidery thread and grinned at you. "I did. You're mi corazón, after all."

You threw a pillow at her. "That's not fair!" you protested. "You can't be that sweet in so many different ways with just one sentence!"

She laughed and threw the pillow back. "Watch me."


"(Y/N)?" Isabela said.

You were walking her home after a date, holding her hand loosely. At the sound of your name, you tightened your grip a little to show that you were listening.

"What's up?" you asked.

"Would it be weird if I called you querida every now and then?"

You considered. "No," you said finally. "It might be kind of nice, actually. Why the sudden urge?"

"You really want to know? It might sound sappy."

"I'll be the judge of that."

"Fine. I was talking about you to Mirabel the other day, and I accidentally called you mi querida in the middle of our conversation. It just felt . . . right."

You squeezed her hand. "You're right," you said. "That's sappy."

She rolled her eyes. You kissed her cheek.

"I won't tell anyone," you promised.

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