You Surprise Them

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Dolores was not an easy person to surprise. She can literally hear the softest conspiratorial whisper, but by a few months into dating her, you'd worked out a method around her gift: writing notes. Sure, she could hear the scratching of the pen on the paper, but that was it. You enlisted Mirabel's help in arranging the surprise, and you could not have picked a more enthusiastic participant. She went above and beyond to make sure your plan went smoothly.

Step one: Distract Dolores and get her out of the way so that you could get everything set up. Mirabel drafted her cousin Camilo for this, and so far, you hadn't seen a glimpse of Dolores all day, so that was apparently a good call.

Step two: Actually set up everything. That one was taking a bit longer, and it wasn't made any easier by the fact that if you said a single word during any of the process, it would probably spoil the surprise.

Mirabel walked into the room with another armload of flowers. You took them from her, and she scribbled you a note:

Is this enough?

You set down the flowers and wrote back:

Should be. Thank your sister for me, would you?

Already did, Mirabel wrote. Are you nervous?

Only of sneezing or something, you wrote. With my luck, she can recognize my particular sneeze and would instantly figure out that I'm here.

I wouldn't put it past her, Mirabel wrote.

You took a good look at the set-up and decorations. Everything looked great. Now to surprise Dolores with it, and hopefully, she'd like it.

Can you get your cousin to bring her back now? you wrote.

Mirabel gave you a thumbs up, then walked out of the room, calling, "Dolores! If you're still with Camilo, can you send him back? I need his help real quick!"

You waited, becoming increasingly nervous, as the minutes ticked by. What if Dolores just sent Camilo back and didn't come with him? What if Mirabel got distracted and forgot to send Dolores up to her room?

You needn't have worried. At long last, the door opened, and Dolores stepped into her room. Her eyes fell on the little set-up you'd created, and she squeaked.

"(Y/N)? What—"

"Surprise," you said.

She broke into a smile. "I knew you were too quiet today," she said. "What's all this?"

"This is a romantic dinner for just us two," you said. "I know you're such a hopeless romantic, so I wanted to surprise you with this."

She hugged you. "You're the best," she said. "Really."


After a few months of dating Luisa, you decided it was high time you arranged a surprise for her. She certainly deserved it, after all. You knew the perfect surprise, but pulling it off was going to be a bit tricky. You'd have to get up before dawn to get it ready in time, for one thing, but that was easily solvable by going to bed early.

"Finally!" you muttered. You dropped your hammer to the grass and collapsed next to it, leaning your back against the fence post. "Stupid fence with a thousand stupid holes."

It was done, and even though you were now sweaty and gross, you were ready for Luisa. Apparently, just in time; you heard footsteps approaching and quickly got back to your feet.

"(Y/N)!" Luisa stopped, obviously taken aback at finding you there. "Why are you up so early?"

"I was working on a surprise for you," you said. "But first, if I might I ask, what are you doing here so early?"

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