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Third Person POV - Carrington Manor - February 16th

The peaceful bird chirping awoke a sleeping Fallon, much to her disappointment. She hadn't had a good night's sleep in over three months, and now that she was back home and was no longer pregnant with her kidnapper's baby, she slept soundly and did not wish to wake up yet.

She could feel the even breathing of Liam behind her back, and hear the small puffs of air that exited his mouth. She softly smiled and closed her eyes once more, an overwhelming sense of peace filling her mind. She hadn't had a morning like this in a long time, and it felt great.

Before she knew it, she had drifted off into another quiet sleep.


"It'll be okay, Fal."

Fallon turned away from the mirror and looked at Liam, concern on her face.

"How can you be so sure?" she questioned. "I mean, Blake looked like he was about to kill me, and I know everyone shared their support, but what if they secretly hate me for doing what I did?"

Liam took his wife's shoulders in his hands and looked into her eyes.

"Fallon, don't worry so much. Everyone was sincere, I could tell. And for Blake, he's your father. He'll come around," he assured.

She sighed and looked to the ceiling.

"If I go down there, then Blake will want to pick up our conversation from where we left off yesterday. I don't know if I'm ready for that."

"Hey, it'll be okay," he told her. "Like I said, Blake can't stay mad at you for forever. Think back to everything else you two have been through. You always made it out, why don't you think you will this time?"

Fallon paused for a moment to think. Truth was, she didn't know.

"I would say I've never seen him that mad before, but that's not true. I think it's more of the fact that this isn't about work and business stuff like usual, and more heavily reliant on his strong beliefs. He's always been passionately outgoing with what he thought to be right and wrong, and no one's ever opposed him like I did. I guess I'm just scared that our relationship won't recover this time."

Despite the heavy words hanging in the air, Liam genuinely smiled. Fallon had just opened up to him without him having to pry it out of her. He was beyond proud that she had climbed back out of her shell that she had put herself in since the "Eva incident." She openly admitted to what she was feeling and why without much ask. Perhaps things were looking much better for the two.

He pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back.

"You'll recover, Fal. You always do," he said reassuringly.

Fallon pulled away and sat down on the edge of the bed, Liam following right after. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and they sat in silence, enjoying each other's company. Since Fallon's return and the news of the baby, they hadn't really had the chance to just sit and be with just each other. It felt nice, and the only thing to be heard was the soft breathing of the two people.

A moment later, Fallon sat up straight and prepared to stand up.

"I guess if I'm gonna do this, it may as well be now."

Liam gestured to the door, and Fallon took his hand as they exited the room together.

As they made their way down the grand staircase, Fallon mentally prayed that Blake would be calmer and more willing to listen to what she had to say.

"Fallon, a word with you please," Blake said when he caught the eyes of his daughter at the bottom of the stairs.

She silently gave a quick nod before turning to follow her dad into his office, but not before getting a reassuring peck on the cheek from Liam.

The door closed behind her as she entered the office, and Blake leaned on the ledge of his desk.

"Fallon, I can only assume that you went through with your plan for the baby," he stated, not wasting any time on getting to the point, and motioned his hand towards Fallon's stomach.

"Yes, I did. And I feel so much better, thanks for asking," she added sarcastically. She wasn't going to let Blake intimidate her or make her rethink her already completed actions.

"I'm glad."

This made Fallon freeze and furrow her eyebrows.

"You are?"

"I am."

She tilted her head in confusion.

"I don't understand," she continued. "Yesterday you looked as if you were going to blow my head off."

Blake chuckled, confusing Fallon even more. It even made her a little bit worried.

What is happening? she thought.

"Okay, before I put any ideas into your head, I'm not happy with what you did. I will stand by my opinions and beliefs until my last breath." He paused before continuing. "However, I can see how much getting an abortion meant to you, and while I don't agree with your actions, I will have to grow to accept what has already been done. After all, it was never my decision in the first place, and I respect yours."

He must have done a lot of thinking overnight.

"Wow, Blake. That's very mature of you. I appreciate it."

Blake chuckled.

"I thought you were going to hate me for forever," she admitted.

"Fallon," he laughed, "I could never hate you. You're my daughter," he said sincerely, holding out his arms for her.

She softly smiled and hugged him.

"I love you, Fallon. Don't you forget that."

"I love you, too, dad. Thanks for understanding."

He chuckled once more.

"In all honesty, I don't understand. But, I do know that it is not my place to judge, and that your decision is the only one that matters."

Blake's actions gave Fallon quite the shock, and to Liam as well when she told him about it not even five minutes later. He was surprised that Blake had put his daughter's feelings over his own, and with that, Liam's respect for his father-in-law grew a little bit more.


"I love you guys," Kirby had said when Fallon and Liam confirmed their abortion.

"I'm so proud of you," Sam gushed, gripping the two in a tight hug.

"As are we," Cristal said, Blake nodding along as his arm draped around his wife's waist.

"I love you, baby sis," Adam added, smiling his creepy smile. Fallon nodded and smiled back, grateful nonetheless.

"And so do Steven and Anders," Blake had finished.

Fallon felt her heart swell at the support of her family. At this point, the sweet confessions weren't so much about the abortion, and more so for the growth the young adult had experienced, and no one could be prouder.

The news of the couple's actions had quickly spread to everyone else in the manor, and while it might have not been any of their businesses, the large house was full of warm hugs and respectable congratulations. Things were looking up for the couple, and after the unfortunate events of the past handful of months, the new days to come were looking better than the two could have ever imagined. Fallon had never felt more loved and comfortable in her home, and she wouldn't have had it any other way.


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