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Above picture is to help with what jinx would look like with her hair out :)

Jinx had gotten under the covers on Lux's bed just lying there like a starfish on the bed taking in the comfort of her warm bed. She had never slept in a bed this big before, it felt like she was laying on clouds.

"Okay I got strawberries and chocolate." Lux said as she walked into the room holding a platter of fruits.

"Wow you must be rich!" Jinx replied as she got up out of the bed and sat on the floor.

"What are you doing we can eat this in bed silly." Lux giggled.

"Oh." Jinx was surprised, her mother never let them eat on their bed in fear they were gonna make a mess.


The pair devoured the chocolate covered strawberries, with Jinx eating pretty much all of it.

Lux gave out a yawn.

"I think it's time for bed." Lux said as she placed the platter on the floor next to the bed. Lux then pulled herself closer to Jinx, she wrapped her arms around her waist and pressed her head against her chest.

Jinx got butterflies.

"Sunshine? We have to go back..." Jinx said.

Lux lifted her head and looked into Jinx's eyes.

"Can't you stay for a little while?" Lux begged.

"I have to finish the weapon, and get revenge on my sister." Jinx said sharply.

"You're not actually going to use the weapon... are you?" Lux asked worried.

"I might have to." Jinx said. Lux stroked Jinx's long blue hair that was now out of braids and flowing down her back.

"Okay, we can go now if you want?" Lux said.

Jinx jumped up out of bed.

"Let's go!" She yelled.

Lux just giggled and got up out of bed, the two changed into their clothes and packed their bags to go. Lux repeated the same steps she had the previous time to create a portal.


The pair were now back in Jinx's room in the under-city. Jinx ran around frantically looking for something.

"What are you looking for?" Lux asked.

"The gemstone!" Jinx replied.

"Caitlyn has it..." Lux said slowly.

"That bitch!" Jinx yelled.


Caitlyn walked over to a chest of drawers opposite the bed. She opened it to find two pairs of clothes, there was a night gown and a oversized t-shirt. Vi had followed closely behind Caitlyn.

"I dibs the shirt!" Vi said as she snatched the shirt out of the draw.

Caitlyn just giggled. She took the night gown and walked towards the bathroom to change into it.

While Caitlyn was changing she heard some commotion in the other room. Caitlyn pressed her ear against the wall.

"Fuck. We have to go now then... right?" Vi said.

"Yea. Pack your shit this might not end well." Ekko said.

Caitlyn threw her clothes back on and barged into the other room.

"What's going on?" Caitlyn asked.

"My sisters back, some of Ekko's Firelights spotted them." Vi said walking over to Caitlyn.

Vi stared into Caitlyn's eyes for a second before snapping out and looking away.

"We leave in 10." Vi said as she walked over to the bed to throw her shoes on.

Do it.

Caitlyn trailed over to the bed, she slowly sat down next to Vi as she let out a deep breath.

"Vi?" Caitlyn said.

Vi nodded.

"I have something to tell you." Caitlyn said.

"I do too." Vi replied.

"You go first." Caitlyn said.

Caitlyn heard Vi's breath quicken.

"Why did you pull away back at the abandoned house?" Vi asked.

"I- Uh... you were hurt." Caitlyn stumbled on her words.

"So. You don't like me?" Vi said with her doe eyes.

"I... I never said that, what makes you think that. Is it my breath, wait is it my-" Caitlyn was cut off.

Vi grabbed the nape of Caitlyn's neck and smashed her hot lips onto Caitlyn's. Caitlyn followed the hot feeling and melted into the kiss. Caitlyn quickly pulled away.

"Shit Vi, we have to get ready." Caitlyn said.

Vi just started smiling.

"So you do like me... Cupcake?" Vi asked.

"How could someone not." Caitlyn said pinching Vi's cheek as she got up to put her shoes on. Vi also started putting her shoes back on.

"Cupcake. You wanted to tell me something." Vi said.

"Oh yea, about that... can we talk about it later." Caitlyn said.

"Of course." Vi replied with a quick smile.

The pair got up grabbing any supplies they needed for the trip to topside. In that moment Ekko barged into the room.

"Get you're asses moving, times ticking!" Ekko yelled.

"Calm down little man." Vi yelled.

"Little man?" Caitlyn giggled.

"You shoulda seen how small this kid was back then he was like this tall." Vi motioned her hand to her hip.

"Was not!" Ekko yelled smacking Vi's hand.

The trio all giggled and left the room.

TYSM to the people who have been here from the start and the new comers who are joining us all for the ride, not sure on the ending for this fanfic. Did you guys want it to end the same as arcane?

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