It's ok

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Sometimes, it gets a little difficult to find the motivation to do things at once. You're going to wake up one day, realizing that none of your interests drives you to do more and be more. You pause, you think, and you ask yourself, "why?"

I get mad at myself for not doing anything. I scold myself for not having the motivation to finish all my daily goals. And I just realized that even if how much I wanted to, I couldn't. I couldn't even get out of bed and stare at my reflection in the mirror, and smile for another day. I couldn't just walk outside while smiling at the vibrant colors of nature because everything seemed so subdued and gloomy.

"No, I have to be ok. I need to be happy." I kept on whispering this to myself over and over, but I still found myself not having the enthusiasm to do the things that make me happy; to be someone I wanted to be; to be perfectly fine.

I was sulking over the fact that I couldn't do anything. So I decided to open my youtube and randomly scroll down the videos, until I stumbled across this content from a vlogger who posts relatable content about self-care. She said, "Sometimes, it can be hard to have a positive mindset about something and that's ok."

To be honest, there was something that captivated me to watch the video from the beginning to the end. Maybe because what she's saying resonated with me beyond words. And it was worth it. Because I do get frustrated over the things that I don't have control of. I pressure myself if I'm not doing something to improve, to be better, to always be "more" at something. I forget that it's ok to not be the best every day. It's ok to relax and think and be grateful for the simple things I have. It's ok.

I realized to trust the process, no matter how slow it is. In an instant, it made me fully understand that there will always be a rainbow after the rain, sunshine after the storm. Indeed, the greater the pain, the more happiness, and blessings will come. And this sadness will not stay in my life forever. There is something greater and prosperous that awaits those who are more patient and trusting His timing.

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