Chapter Three: It's Best You Let this Slide

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Sebastian POV

I could feel the stares and the giggles from the ladies as I stare boringly at the crowded ballroom. Man and woman all tries to approach me but always fails because either I do not reply or I would say something that offends them. It is better this way. All I want now is to be alone. Because the moment I saw that princess, I could not help but feel oddly nostalgic. She had Josephine’s eyes yet, her attitude is nothing like Josephine’s. Josephine was so fiery and strong wield. She would not bother about her nails or dress, all she cares about was her duty and me. She could fight ten strong knights off with ease but this girl, all she could do is cry for help, which is pathetic. Somehow, whenever I see or thought of her, it made me feel disgusted.

I took another gulp on my drink and before I knew it four girls are now standing before me with their giggles and flirtatious smiles. I sighed and rolled my eyes as I watch them approach me closer.

‘Sir Chevalier, I am Lady Mary and these are my sisters.’ She said while batting her eyelashes at me. ‘I am…..’ Before the other girls could introduce themself I put a hand up to stop them all. ‘As much as I like to talk to you all, I have some things to attend to. I have stayed here long enough, I would be leaving now.’ I said as I push my way pass them. I could hear them grunt a little but I didn’t bother to look back.

I came to a halt as the princess walks towards me with her long blue gown and her hair pinned up in a bun with flowers as her crown. She stopped in front of me and curtsied. The crowd gasp as I did not return the bow as I side step and was about to walk off.

‘I heard stories about you, Sir Chevalier. Interesting ones.’ She said with a slight tone of annoyance which brought me to turn to face her. A frown ceased on my forehead as I stared at her confused. ‘They said that there was a woman in your life, Sir Chevalier.’ She added. Her tone was as though she was enjoying my moment of despair. I could feel anger building up my core and my powers are slipping out of my body. Cold chills run out like the air, invincible to humans. ‘Her name is Josephine? What happened to her, Sir Chevalier?’ She asked again. Anger is up to the top of my throat and like a volcano ready to erupt my anger is ready to spill.

I clench my hand into a fist as I glared at the princess with anger. I wanted so badly to let out this anger within me. I could kill her right now! All I have to do is just leave this idiotic place after the killing! Just as I was about to let out this anger and power, I felt a familiar pat on the back. I turned to the person and knew it was Lucian. He shook his head at me with eyes filled with concern. I turned back to the girl with narrowed eyes and let go of my fist as I breathe in a deep breath. ‘It is better you let this slide, girl.’ I said as I turned on my heel.

‘Girl?! You just called me girl?’ She said with a slightly louder tone. It was clear that everyone is now shock by my attitude. ‘How dare you call me that?! I am your Princess! You shall address me as, ‘my lady’ or ‘your Highness’!’ She said with anger. Without hesitation, I swirl around and stormed back towards her. Everyone in the room back off as they could feel the immense anger from me.

I got so close to her that we are only a breath away from each other. I heard her yelp as she must have been shock of the sudden closeness. ‘Don’t test me, girl! You’re nothing but a mere ant to me! I can kill you with ease!’ I said venomously. She gasped as she stared back at me with fear but that was only a moment, as her eyes flashed back with her own princess confidence again. ‘Then why didn’t you?’ She asked daringly.

‘Because it would be a pain to burn the whole castle down!’ I said again venomously and low like a hiss to her. She became dead silent, her face turned pale and she stared at me unable to speak.

I turned away and walked back to my room without bothering of what the people of Norway or the King himself would talk about. Serve that girl right for touching my nerve. She was lucky I did not rip her throat out. She was lucky that Lucian was there to stop me.

As I thought that after last night, that girl would learn her lesson and would never annoy me again yet today here she is standing before me. One hand holding the sword the other with a shield and dressed completely in armored but she is looking like a complete amateur in it. I cannot believe that after last night, she would dare to challenge me once again. What was worst was that she is challenging me over a sword fight.

‘I do not mind at all.’ I said in reply of her request for this challenge. I do not give chances just because she is a woman and a princess. Somehow, after Josephine, I have learnt to respect and love woman that can protect themselves without man but this girl, she is nothing but a nuisance. This time, I would teach her a lesson, a really hard one.

‘You do not have to give in to me, Sir Chevalier. I am not afraid.’ She challenged. I rolled my eyes and took my stand. ‘I am not planning to.’ I replied and dashed straight at her. Shock over took her and instantly, she fell to the ground before I even reach her. I could see that she is trembling in fear. I aim my sword casually on her neck but I did not cut her. She swallowed in fear as her eyes blink a few times with tears. ‘Doesn’t mean that you are a woman or a princess then I would give way to you.’ I said. She did not reply as she looked straight into my eyes with both fear and somehow I actually read admiration from his expression. I shook my head and took my sword away from her neck.

‘Sir Chevalier! You have just pointed your sword at my daughter! Guards! Throw him into the dungeon!’ The King suddenly boomed out of nowhere. All I did was growled and all the guards back of immediately. Of cause they would, after all, it isn’t a human growl. Without hesitation I walked straight up to the King with no fear as he glared at me with anger. He was brave enough to stand with confident and not fall at the sight of my anger. ‘Remember, Sire, I am here out of your request. I can leave anytime.’ I said and instantly he kept quiet. A smirk spread across my face and I walked off with no thought of them.

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