Chapter Sixteen: The Babysitter

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The moment Lucian flew out of the window, everything became so silent. Dante was lying down on the sofa once again and with his eyes closed of cause. As for I, I was just shocked. I didn’t know that I was this weak before. I can’t take control of my emotions and I let it run in my blood stream like a crazy three headed dog, Cerberus. Because of that, Lucian had to bring back one of the most fearless, powerful, and rebellious brother of all to take care of me.

Dante, the second son of the devil, the man who killed many of his father’s soldiers, he is also known as the Demon Slayer. Of all the brothers, he is one of the most famous rebellion, his blood drawn the demons towards him because it is rumored that his blood can make them stronger. Over thousands and billions of years, demons had tried their all to catch him but none of them could do anything.

‘Can you stop day dreaming and go get me some pizzas?’ Dante said. I stood up sighing and walked towards the lift with keys in my hand. Then it hit me. ‘Shit!’ I shouted. Dante looked up at me, frowning. ‘That girl called her father a moment ago!’ I said as I just remembered it. Dante took a long sigh and stood up. ‘Then, what do you think we’re supposed to do, huh?’ Dante asked. Like a kid looking at his father, that was what I felt when he asked me that question. Instantly, I felt disgusted of myself and entered the lift without wanting to look at him. I am old enough to deal with my own problems. Why would I even panic? In fact, I have never panic for so long that I am shocked that I just did.

I got out of the lift and quickly walked out of the building, to my surprise everyone on the streets were looking up. I wonder why…… I looked up and guess what I find, my brother jumping off my window which is over 20 floors high. Everyone gasp and shouted the moment he leaps off the window. Skillfully he let himself fall and hit the ground with a perfect landing on his feet. The humans started circling him and I couldn’t help but rubbed my eyes. Did my brother just do that in front of the humans? I ran towards him with anger.

‘What the hell do you think you’re doing?’ I growled. Dante dust of the dust on his coat and actually wink at one of the girls. ‘I am bored.’ Dante replied. ‘You can use the elevator!’ I said. ‘That wouldn’t be fun, would it?’ He asked one of the girls. To my surprise, they’re actually giggling. One of them actually asked him if he has super powers. ‘Enough! What do you want?’ I asked with anger. ‘Well, firstly, I want my pizza. Secondly, I want……’ He stopped and stared at my black Ferrari. ‘That.’ He continued with his eyes staring at the elegant black Ferrari. I threw him the keys and got to the passenger seat. ‘Drop me off the car shop.’ I said. He smirked at me and got into the car.

‘I know a perfect place.’ He said it with a sly smile hanging on his face.

It was obvious that Dante is a driver. The way he handled the car with such a speed, yet he could do a perfect drift out of it and evading every cop there is in Miami have already proven him as a street racer. All the way through the drive, he was ‘woo hoo-ing’ and laughing like a mad man as he enjoys the speed. I, on the other hand did not appreciate of being fling around. I would like to have a peaceful ride, but he had never failed to be a vexation.

‘This baby could do some NOS!’ Dante said as he turned with a perfect drift and stop right in between two cars that are park parallel to the shops. I could bother less about what he wants to do with the car. All I need is a car fast enough. He got out of the car the same time as I did. Suddenly, he halted. He turned back towards the car and opened the passenger door. ‘Did you forget something?’ I asked.

‘Yeah, I don’t feel right without my baby.’ He said. His tone was cheeky. He took out his sword that he threw to the back passenger seat before he drove and buckled it to his back. That big sword of his had caught everyone’s attention when he was falling of my apartment and it is giving the same reaction once again. The people on the road just turned and stared at him like he is in some kind of renaissance costume.

Both of us ignore the stares and glares the humans are giving us and headed towards the store. It is big. Glass window letting in all the light and all the stares and envies of the people who can’t afford this beautiful cars, red Ferraris, silver Porsches and mango yellow Lamborginis. As we headed inside, shelf and shelf full of shining silver tire rims reflects the Miami shine. Polish marble floor that looks like you would slip if you took the wrong step. But the people working there aren’t dressing fancy like how the shop looks like.

They wore big t-shirt with big bermuda pants and non-the-less, big gold chain over their necks that have big alphabet on it. A black man walked towards Dante with a smile on his face. Both of them gave each other a hug and a fist as they begin having their small talk. Obviously, if Dante is a street racer then this must be the illegal car store.

‘Yo! Brother! Long time no see!’ The black man said. ‘How do you know that I opened a store in Miami?’ Dante just laughed before Dante could say anything the black man interrupted. ‘Ah, I know. You have your source. Is that what you’re going to say?’ The black man said. Dante laughed and nodded. ‘Yeah.’ He replied. ‘Man, you’re the same as ever. Don’t you think you should hide that sword of yours? It must be freaking people out. You actually walked on the streets without even bother to hide it. And your guns!’ The black man added. ‘How about you get your men to get me a guitar casing and some upgrade for the black Ferrari parked outside and we go get some beer?’ Dante asked. ‘You better pay me.’ The black man said. ‘Those parts aren’t easy to get.’ The black man said.

‘Don’t worry, this time, he’ll be paying.’ Dante pointed at me as I looked at those cars parked near the windows. I knew that this would happen. A man like him who brought nothing but a sword and two guns to Miami would not have any money with him. But that isn’t the thing that bothers me. The thing that bothers me is that Dante is mingling with humans, humans that have no idea about supernatural creatures. Yet, why are they okay with how Dante bringing guns and sword? And how can they be so relax? They are supposed to be an illegal car shop. However, they dare display their cars like a legal shop. Are they not afraid? After all, they are humans.

‘Who’s that?’ The black man said. Dante and the black man walked towards me. ‘Let me introduce.’ Dante said. ‘Joey. Sebastian. Sebastian. Joey.’ Dante pointed. The black man looks at me suspiciously as I gave no reaction to Dante’s introductions. ‘Can we trust him?’ Joey asked. ‘Nope.’ Dante replied which shock Joey. ‘But he is my brother.’ Dante added. Joey frowned in confusion. ‘The one that tried to kill you?’ Joey asked. Dante shook his head. ‘He is my younger brother. The forth one.’ Dante answered. Joey sighed. ‘You know. Can you list out the name of your brothers that you are close with? Cause I can’t have one your brothers or sisters coming in and claiming that they know you.’ Joey said.

His words shock me. Does that mean that Joey knows everything about us? Is that why Dante brought me here with no fear of exposing his sword and guns?

‘The only close one is Lucian. But this guy……’ Dante said with a sigh as he scratches his head. ‘Lucian wants me to babysit him.’ His answer made Joey laughed so hard that Joey had to hold on to Dante as a support. ‘Man, I cannot imagine you as a babysitter!’ Joey teased. Dante gave Joey a light punch and sighed. ‘Why would a man as old as him need a babysitter? He is older than me, right?’ Joey finally stopped laughing.

‘Apparently, he is suicidal.’ Dante answered. Instantly, Joey stared at me like I am some alien. ‘Why would you be suicidal?’ Joey asked. ‘Is it about the soul mate thingy? Oh, Gosh, I can’t believe this is actually true. Devils do have emotions!’ Joey teased. He wanted to laugh but as he watches my expressionless face, he couldn’t. ‘Dante, is this guy made out of stone?’ Joey asked. ‘I don’t care. He is just plain boring.’ Dante said. ‘Can he even talk?’ Joey asked.

Ignoring Joey’s annoying childish teasing, I hope into the Porsche Panamera. The interior is beautiful. It has black leather seats with all the gadgets that you would want. It is obvious that this car has not been upgraded yet as I do not see a NOS button. I opened the trunk of the car and walked towards it. It has a 4.8 liters V8 twin turbo engine. This proves that it is fast enough. But the color of the car does not suit my liking. It is silver in color.

‘Do you have a black one?’ I asked. Joey turned to me in shock as I spoke. ‘Emmm, yeah.’ Joey answered. ‘I want one.’ I said. ‘But I do not want any upgrades. I want it by tomorrow. I’ll pay you tomorrow as well with the upgrades that Dante wants.’ I said as I threw a stash of cash to Dante. ‘Please do not bother me about pizzas anymore.’ I said as I walk towards the front door. Just before I left, I heard Joey tease again. ‘Dante, are you the babysitter or the baby?’

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