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"Wake up Mija" Mami says and I sit up, rubbing my face

"Morning Mami"

"Get dressed, we're having company over" she says and I get dressed, a white off the shoulder shirt with little yellow lighting bolts embroidered across my chest and shoulders, a sun yellow skirt with lightning bolts and a lightning bolt necklace. I skip downstairs.

"Good morning" my older brother says and ruffles my hair. We walk down and eat breakfast

"Who's coming over?" I ask taking a sip of water

"The Madrigals" I raise my eyebrows in question. Mami and Papi look at each other nervously

"Our families have decided to create a bond" Papi says and Mateo elbows me

"Means your getting married off" he jokes and I snort

"As if"

"Mija, we are arranging a marriage between you and the oldest son" Mami says nervously and my smile drops. Mateo looks horrified. My stomach drops. Marriage? Hell no.

"You can't marry her off she's a kid" He protests, his fork clanging on his plate

"She's eighteen, it's what's best for both families" I have to marry someone I don't know? Someone I don't love? Are these words actually coming out of her mouth?

"Excuse me" I mutter and walk upstairs. I pace upstairs. My heart pounds, why me? I rub my temples and my fingertips sizzle with electricity, electric waves race up and down my arms.

"Y/n" Mateo says and I snap out of my thoughts "are you okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be? I'm getting married off to some stranger, I have no idea who the Madrigals are. I have no choice but to marry him so yeah, I'm doing great!" I say and energy races out from me, avoiding my brother.

"I'm so sorry" he hugs me. He kisses my head "I'm sure he's a great guy, Mami and Papi wouldn't marry you off to some jerk" he ruffles my hair again and we walk down.

"Honey I would have told you sooner, we've met him he's lovely and his family is amazing" Mami says and I nod, I don't have a choice, it will be easier for everyone if I'm 'okay' with it.

"If it'll help the family" I say with a smile, maybe he won't be so bad? I'm too positive.

"That's the spirit!" Mami says happily and I roll my eyes. "Now let's clean!" we spend an hour cleaning when someone knocks on the door. Mami fixes my hair and I take a deep breath, my fingers sizzle with electricity.

"Hola! It's so good to see you!" Mami exclaims and hugs an older woman and the family walks in. Everyone introduces themselves when they get to me, I hold my hands in front of me.

"I don't want to electrocute you" I smile and they laugh

"Your gift is electricity?" The mother asks, she has ginger hair pulled back in a braid, a yellow dress and sun earrings.

"Si" I smile and nod to everyone. A boy with brown curly, green eyes, a wide nose, faint freckles and a yellow ruana stands in front of me. He's three inches taller than me and I muster up a smile. His expression remains cold. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Y/n"

"Camilo" he replies and electricity races up my arms, my heart pounds.

"Y/n why don't you and Camilo go down to town?" Alma suggests

"Sure," I smile and walk away, electric waves spread with every step. He follows me but doesn't say a word. 

"The lamps are out" A man complains, I fight in a eye roll and walk around relighting the lamps. When I'm done I turn to Camilo.

"What's your gift?" I ask kindly, putting my arms behind my back, his cold eyes bore into me sending chills down my back.

"Shapeshifting" he mutters

"That's cool, can you shift into anyone?" I force a smile

"I guess" I purse my lips and walk away, if he wants to be like that fine.

"Y/n!" Diego jogs up to us

"Hola" I wave

"You look great" I smile, blushing

"Thanks, I like the red on you" I say and fix his collar, he holds my hand to his lips.

"Who's this?"

"This is Camilo, his family's visiting" I say and they shake hands.

"Nice to meet you man" Diego smiles

"Pleasure," Camilo replies cooly. I talk to Diego, I like him and he likes me. We just haven't done anything about it and now we can't. After a while I walk back up to my house and Camilo disappears. I go straight to my room and explode with energy, my already black wall darkens. Mateo walks in worry written all over his face.

"I can't marry someone with no personality!" I exclaim and start pacing "he had no emotion the whole time! I-I was trying to be nice. He said like four words! He hates me! I can't marry him, he- he" Mateo grabs my arms and winces

"Calm down" he says softly and I freeze.

"I'm sorry" I whisper

"Everything will be okay"

"I don't wanna marry him" I mutter

"I know hermana" I pull away and he smiles "everything will work out, I promise" I scoff easy for him to say, we walk out. Camilo is talking with Mami and Papi, he looks at me, a hint of a smile dances in his lips, my stomach churns and I scowl at him. He frowns and I walk away, leaving the lights flickering. I sit down at the table with his parents and grandmother.

"Y/n what do you look for in a husband?" Alma asks and I hold my hands in my lap.

"Someone who loves me for me, who is adventurous, who can help me when I get out of hand, good with kids, caring" I basically described Diego. He's perfect.

"Get out of hand?" Pepa asks

"Yeah, when I get anxious or stressed or anything like that I can't completely control my gift. I can control it enough to not hurt anyone, it's just my room is quite burned" I say laughing breathily.


"Electricity just kinda shoots out of me and chars my walls" I explain, making a little ball of energy in my lap nervously.

"May I see?" Pepa asks kindly and I nod hesitantly. I lead her into my room and she walks around. She touches the wall, her hand is covered in soot.

"I know how you feel" she says quietly, dusting off her hand.

"I'm sorry?"

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