Twenty Eight

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This one might be a bit longer

Eight years later (Camilo and Y/n are 26, it might be young but whateva)

"I can't find her" Camilo says, out of breath

"What do you mean 'you can't find her'?" I ask, pulling on my shoes. I jog after him
"I mean she was right here three minuets ago" He says pointing to an empty chair. I run my hands through my hand and sigh
"Get changed I'll find her" I say, giving Camilo a quick kiss and jogging outside. I see movement in the tree house, I climb up the ladder and knock on the door.

"Si?" A small voice asks
"Mi vida, may I come in?" I ask and the door clicks open. I push open the door with my foot to see Lily sitting on the floor, hands in her lap. I sit beside her and pull her onto my legs

"Mami?" Lily asks

"Si" I say and tuck a piece of hair behind her ear.
"I'm worried, what if I don't get a gift" I smile sweetly at my daughter
"My love, you'll get a gift, your Tia Mirabel didn't get one because she's the candle holder" I caress her cheek

"But what if I don't?" she asks panicked "you were born with yours"
"But your Papi wasn't. He got his gift the same way you will get yours" She frowns "And if for some crazy reason you don't get a gift, I'll still love you the same" Lily looks at me
"You will?"
"Of course mi amor, everyone will. You're gift is not you" A soft smile appears on her lips "now lets get you to your door" I say and pick her up, she holds onto me as I climb down, I hold her hand as we walk into Casita who welcomes us with clicking tiles.

"There you are!" Camilo exclaims and runs towards us, he attacks Lily in a hug. Dolores pokes her head in and nods. The music outside stops and the lights dim.

"It's time" I say with a smile.

"We'll be waiting at your door" Camilo says and kisses Lily's head, she frowns "You got this nina" He winks at her and I blow her a kiss. We walk up to Mirabel

"Is she nervous?" Mirabel asks, candle in hand

"Very" I nod

"She has nothing to worry about Carino, " Camilo says, putting an arm around my waist. Lily walks out and up towards us. Mirabel gives her speech and Lily touches the door.

I hold my breath and Camilo squeezes my hand. Her door sparkles and an image of her with sound waves coming from her head appears.

"Ew" She mutters and looks at us.
"What Mija?" I ask and she makes a disgusted face

"Why would you want to do that Mami?" She asks Camilo and I look at him. He laughs nervously, cheeks red and crouches down. My face heats up and Mirabel gives a 'seriously right now?' look at Camilo. I clear my throat

"You can read minds!" I exclaim, embarrassment taken over by excitement for my daughter.
"You got your gift Mija" Camilo lifts Lily up and spins her around. She giggles and smiles at me, I smother her face in kisses and she laughs.
"Picure!" Pepa exclaims and we all take a photo "now just you three" Lily stands in front of us and Camilo puts his arm around my waist, my hand rests on my daughters shoulder. Music starts up and Camilo and I dance.

He spins me into his arms
"Look at her" he whispers in my ear and I look at Lily, surrounded by our family, the biggest smile on her face.

"She's so happy" I smile softly and Pepa and Lily, Pepa has a bright rainbow over her head and she squishes Lily's cheek. Camilo puts his face on my shoulder and kisses my jaw. My stomach flutters and his arms around my waist tighten, Antonio spins Lily around and she laughs.

"I want another one" Camilo mumbles in my neck and my eyes widen slightly, Dolores looks at us and quickly looks away. She grabs Lily's hand and pulls her onto the dance floor.
"Camilo" I hiss and elbow him off me

"What?" He whines with a cheeky grin and I raise my eyebrows at him. He gives me a look at makes my heart melt and my knees weak. He scoops me up and marches out of Lily's room
"Camilo no" I laugh and he frowns

"Our daughter just got her gift, we're going to be with her right now" I say and he puts me down. I grab his hand and pull him back to Lily. She runs at me and I pick her up
"I got a gift!" She says happily
"I'm so proud of you Mi Vida" I kiss her cheeks and she giggles. She looks at Camilo and makes a confused face

"Go" I gently kick Camilo away with my foot and he chuckles
"What does-" Lily starts
"Don't worry about it sweetheart" I spin around and she hugs me
"Thank you" She whispers

"For what?"
"Believing in me" I put her down and crouch to her level
"Lily, I will always believe in you and I will always be proud of you" I say holding her face "I love you so much and nothing will change that" I kiss her nose. She hugs me
"I love you too Mami" I see Dolores talking to Camilo and he smiles at me.

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