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"They think I'm unstable" I sigh and she scoffs.
"Mhm-hm, when I get really overwhelmed or stressed or anything like that my gift reflects that. So sometimes electricity just kinda shoots out of me"

"That's dumb, you seem stable" Mirabel says and I look at her, smiling slightly
"You just haven't seen me stressed out" She laughs and I make an electric butterfly fly over to her, I gently land it on her finger and she smiles.

"Dinner" Isabela says and we walk over. I sit in my seat and eat quietly, Camilo glances at me every now and then. My heart pounds, is this how Bruno's vision comes true? His bad one? My heart races and lighten crackles down my fork
"May I be excused?" I ask
"Si" Alma says and I walk up to Camilo's room, rubbing my temples and pace. I can't have a loveless marriage.

"Calm down" I whisper and my arms sizzle. I rub my arms, surely our future isn't decided over one pathetic fight? It's not even a fight, I didn't fight with him. I need to calm down, I'm going to wreck his room. I groan and rub my cheeks. It was an argument. The door opens and Camilo walks in

"Hey" he stands in front of me and goes to grab my hands, I pull them away and he frowns "what's wrong?"
"I don't want to hurt you" I mumble

"What's actually wrong?"
"I don't want that to be our future" I say pointing at the bad vision "over some stupid agrument! It wasn't even a fight" He looks down and fiddles with his ruana. "I'm sorry I got mad, it was just the way you said it-" I say
"I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry. I never meant that" He holds my hands and I do all I can to push my electricity down my body. I smell burning and I jump up

"Shit!" I exclaim, I burned Casita "I'm so sorry Casita," her floorboards thump and the burn marks are gone. I let out a frustrated sigh and go to leave

"Where are you going?" Camilo asks

"I just- I don't want to hurt her"
"You're not going to Amor" He says softly and I shake out my hands, sparkles fly and I breath in.

"I just need some air" I say and he follows me out. He goes to grab my hand but I move it "I don't want to hurt you"
"You won't" Camilo says softly
"I can't control it Camilo" I rub my temples
"Try to"
"What?" I snap
"Try to control it, here" He sits me on a bench outside "make a scene"
"A scene?"
"Yes, a jungle" I let out an exasperated sigh and wave my hands, the electricity leaves me and goes into the image. "Good, now um, Casita. Make Castia" I do, I add every single detail and I feel like a weight is being lifted off my chest. I get rid of the image and Camilo takes my hand.

"Thank you" I mumble and hug him. I buried my face in his shoulder, his arms go around my waist.

"I'll always be here for you, not matter what" He says, caressing my cheek and I smile slightly at him, he smiles back. We walk back and sit down

"Everything okay Mija?" Mami asks and I nod, crossing my legs

"Si, just have a lot on my mind"

"That's understandable" Isabela says and puts a hand on my shoulder, she squeezes gently and I smile at her. After dinner I go to the garden and make scenes, my mind races.

"That's beautiful" Someone says and I turn, Felix and Agustin walk over and sit on either side of me.

"Thank you" I say quietly and put my hands in my lap

"You're a nervous person" Agustin says calmly and I pick at my fingers
"I just get overwhelmed easily"

"Kid, I get it" Agustin says

"Especially in a magical family, and especially in this one" Felix says "it can get a lot"

"Marrying into this family it was chaotic" Agustin says and I laugh slightly
"I'm just so out of my element, back home people would just let me be. Here I-  it's just so much more" I breathe out and Felix puts a hand on mine
"We of all people get it, we married in. Suddenly in the spotlight, that light will dim eventually. I promise" He smiles at me

"Thank you" I smile at him

"Of course, if you need to talk or rant or literally anything. We're here" They smile at me and leave. I rub my face and lay on the grass. Everyone is so nice, surely someone dislikes me. Surely someone isn't happy Camilo and I are getting married. I hear grass rustling, I open my eyes and Camilo stands over me.

"Ready?" He asks and he pulls me up
"Ready for what?"

"Sure" We walk up hand in hand.
"Oh! Wait!" Pepa calls as she and Mami run up to us.
"Everything okay?" I ask and Camilo plays with my hand

"Yes, we just need to size Camilo for his suit" Pepa smiles and Camilo freezes

"Now?" He asks, intertwining his fingers with mine

"Si, it will only take a moment" Pepa says and drags Camilo away from me.
"Mamma!" he yells and Mami sighs

"He loves you" She puts her elbow on my shoulder. She would do this all the time when I was younger, now I'm taller than her by three inches to be exact.
"Uh huh" I roll my eyes

"Ay, Mija" She sighs and I hug her

"He's alright" I shrug and she laughs "Goodnight Mami" She kisses my cheek

"Goodnight Mija" I walk up the stairs and poke my head into my room. She yells and runs at me
"Get out!" I walk back

"Cause, Camilo's in here"
"That's only for the bride" I say and she rolls her eyes, smiling "I was just gonna ask for some pyjamas"

"Oh sure, one minute" She goes into her room, I hear a thud, a yell and a door slam. "Come in" she says sweetly and I walk in.

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