Twenty One

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I walk down the stairs. I go outside and sit on the grass, I hear grass rustling and Camilo sits beside me.

"Hey" he nudges me, I make shapes in my lap so I don't have to look at him. My electricity crackles slowly and the color is duller more mustard than sun yellow. What's happening? I frown at the snowflake shape in my hands.
"Hi" I say distantly, focused on the pale, still snowflake in my hands.

"Is something wrong?" he asks and I frown, lifting the shape slightly
"Does this look off to you?" I look at him

"Um, maybe? A little duller" He examines it "it's not sizzling as much" panic pangs in my chest. I get up and jog inside the house
"Mami!" I call and Camilo follows me.
"Si?" Mami asks as we run into the lounge.
"What's happening?" I ask, holding up my sad snowflake. Her expression drops and she gets up. She grabs my arms and pushes me into a room. Papi closes the door behind us, blocking Camilo.

"Honey" Mami starts but looks at the door. She grabs a sheet of paper and scribbles something down. I wait there and Papi takes a breath. I grab the paper. 'Our gifts are fading, it's been passed down for so long that it's eventually fading. Mateo and I lost our gifts a while ago' I mouth as I read. Fear pangs in my chest, I grab the pencil and scribble my own words

'will mine disappear?'

'I don't know' I bite my lip and ask the million dollar question

'Is that why I married Camilo?' My parents pause. They look at each other and that tells me all I need to know. I swing the door open and walk upstairs. I pace in Camilo's room, at least I was married off for a reason. Do they know? No, they don't, they would never allow us to marry if they knew our gifts were fading. Or maybe they do know and that's why Alma was so pushy about the new generation. I nervously run my hands over my braids. 
"Is everything okay?" Camilo asks and I jump 
"Oh- oh yeah!" I force a laugh "I was just um sad! Yeah, turns out my energy gets sad too" I lie and he makes a face. He's knows I'm lying. 

"Energy gets sad?" He repeats, arms crossed. I bite my lip and nod 

"You're lying" He says and takes my hands in his "You can trust me" He says softly, I want to tell him. But what will happen if I do? Does he know why we married? Maybe he already knows. 

"My gift is getting weaker" I whisper 
"What?" He breathes. So he is just as clueless as me. 
"I-I don't know why" I shake my head

"I'm sorry" He hugs me 

"Why?" I look up at him 
"For accusing you of loving Diego, that was so stupid of me. I should know better" He looks at me and I smile slightly. I completely forgot about it
"I overreacted-" 
"No you did, you're reaction was completely justifiable. I'm the one who is the problem" I sigh
"You may start seventy five percent of the fights but you're pretty good at redeeming yourself"  

"Seventy five?" Camilo asks and I laugh 

"Like seventy" He smiles and kisses me gently 
"I am sorry"

"I know you are" 

"And we'll figure out how to get your gift strong, together" He says sweetly and my heart warms, maybe Dolores was right. I certainly care for him, much more than I ever thought I would. 

Sorry this one is so short, I had a long day and felt pretty unmotivated. 

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