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My heart races and I look around, Pepa's making it snow lightly. Danny frowns at me, he's on the edge of his seat. Mami's smile is fading and tears prick my eyes. I look at Anthony and he smiles sadly.

"I do" I whisper and the priest sighs. I slide on a golden ring on Camilos finger and he slides on an identical one on mine except the band is thinner.

"You may now kiss the bride" He says, closing his small book. My heart pounds against my chest and I plaster on a fake smile. I softly kiss him, Camilo kisses back but I pull away, that felt wrong. Everyone cheers, thunder cracks and lightening lights up the sky, my lightening. We run out hand in hand while people cheer.

The door closes and I let go of Camilos hand, I avoid his eyes and try to catch my breath. My heart is pounding and my chest is suffocating me. I press a hand to my chest and blink away tears. That's not how I wanted my first kiss. I wanted to marry for love not for families. I thought I loved him, maybe I didn't. Maybe I don't.
"Y/n?" Camilo asks and I look at him "Did I do something?" He gently takes my hand

"No! No, I just" I breath in "It's just happening so fast, I never thought I would marry someone for the sake of families" I look away and lean against the wall, I feel faint. "I- I just need" I blink hard and Camilo holds my arms. He sits me on a bench and crouch's in front of me.
"Deep breaths" he holds my face
"I'm sorry" I breathe "you're an amazing person, I should be happy I married you-" I ramble and he makes me look at him, my chest rises and falls
"Hey, it's not what you expected. This sure as hell wasn't what I expected" I laugh shakily. A tear slips down my cheek and the door opens. Dolores and Anthony look uneasy, they share a look.

"Ay! She's so happy she's crying" Alma says happily and Camilo looks at me. She hugs me and smiles sweetly
"You two will bring a wonderful generation of new gifts" she holds my face and my bottom lip wobbles. Children? I'm not ready for kids!

"There's lots of time Abuela" Camilo says, holding my hand.
"Still the sooner the better" she beams and I look away
"Abuela, there is lots of time" Camilo says sternly and she nods
"Of course" Camilo squeezes my hand and I squeeze back.
"Y/n, can I talk to you?" Danny asks and we walk outside.

"What happened? I thought you were happy?" He holds my hands

"I thought I was and then I was walking down that isle and I panicked. It all felt so real. I felt so trapped" I say, eyes watering. He sighs and hugs me tightly. Mateo runs out and attacks me in a hug and I gasp for breath.

"Slow breaths prima, you need to control you're breathing your going to faint" Danny says and I nod, forcing myself to take deep breath. Electricity cracks along my body. I shake out my hands and make scenes. Camilo jogs out and I turn.
"We'll leave you two" Danny says and drags Mateo away. I hold my hands and Camilo stands in front of me.
"I'm sorry-" I start and he hugs me
"It just suddenly felt so real" he says and I pull back
"It just seemed so fast and rushed. I have nothing against you if-"
"If we had more time" he finishes. Finishing my sentences. I hug him tightly. We pull away and he cups my cheek, my heart flips.

"Is it okay if I..?" I ask hesitantly, he smiles and gently presses his lips against mine. This kiss is so different than our first one, this one is real. I kiss him back and I hold his face. He pulls me close and deepens the kiss. He pulls away but keeps his arms around my waist, keeping me against him. He caresses my cheek

"Are you okay?" He asks softly, rubbing my cheek with his thumb. A warm feeling burns in my stomach.
"Right now? I'm great" I say quietly and he smiles

"Are you okay?" I ask
"Amazing" he spins me around "that kiss was much better" I laugh and he pecks my lips. He scoops me up and walks back inside proudly. I hold onto his neck and he smiles at me lovingly. Maybe everything will be okay. After the party we go back to Casita. I change into a white tank top and a yellow skirt that stops at my knees. I keep my hair and makeup the same. Camilo walks out in his normal clothes and wraps his arms around my waist, he kisses my jaw from behind. We go downstairs hand in hand. Miguel runs up to me
"Can I possess him now?" He asks, elbow on my shoulder
"No" He frowns
"Please" he pulls my arm
"Sure" Camilo shrugs and Miguel grins
"Wha- no! Both of you" I point at Camilo, my ring catches the light. Camilo shakes and he saunters up to me. He takes my left hand and admires my ring, it's simple really, just a thin golden band.
"A bit plain no?" He asks and I roll my eyes
"I like it" I flick his forehead and he chuckles. He spins me around "give Camilo his body back" I say annoyed

"I can't simply give them their body back, they have to take it back" he laughs and I giggle. "Sorry pretty boy!" Miguel calls out, takes my hand and leads me out. We walk in and everyone smiles at us
"This is Miguel" I say and Felix laughs. Dolores giggles and Antonio smiles.

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