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"You won't ruin the wedding, a little snow or rain or whatever won't hurt us" She sniffs, my nose is numb.

"Of course! I personally love rain" She laughs and wipes her face.

"I just don't want anything to go wrong"
"I don't either, but odds are something will. I don't know what, my dress, the time, the- I don't know. But we can't worry about that" She nods, it's stopped raining.
"Thank you" she hugs me tightly and I rub her back, water drips off my nose and hair. She laughs and wipes her nose.

"You won't ruin the wedding" I hold her hands and she nods. "Okay? No matter the weather, rain, sun, snow. It won't ruin it, you need to feel your feelings"

"Okay" She smiles and I pull her up
"Now, let's go inside before you freeze" her teeth chatter and we walk in, my arm around her shoulders. I grab a towel and drape it over her shoulders. She smiles at me and Felix runs in
"There you are mi vida!" He hugs Pepa

"Are you okay?" He caresses her cheek
"Si, Y/n helped me" She smiles at me and Felix smiles.
"Let's get you into some clean clothes" Felix nods to me and Pepa hugs me
"Thank you Mija"
"Of course" I smile and they walk out. I walk up to Camilo's room and he jogs towards me
"Why did you go outside?" He asks

"I found your mother" I say, laughing slightly
"Oh, that's why it stopped raining" I nod and he leads me into his room. He puts a towel over my shoulders and grabs an outfit for me. I change into it, a v-neck long sleeve white shirt, a thick sun yellow skirt that stops at my ankles with dull lightning bolts around the bottom. I dry my hair. Camilo takes the towel from my hands and dries my hair for me. I blush and we sit on the bed

"Thank you for helping her" he fiddles with his ruana

"You're welcome" I reply
"If you ever feel like that" I look at him "like worried or stressed out or literally anything, you can talk to me" My heart warms and I smile
"I know" I put my hand on his "and the same goes for you." He nods and holds my hand. We go down for dinner and everyone is buzzing with excitement. Twenty minutes into dinner Alma stands up, walks over to me and pulls the hair behind my shoulders. I look at Papi confused and he smiles reassuringly.

"I have an announcement" She starts and I suck in air "we've decided to move up the wedding date" I look at Camilo, his eyes are wide.

"Move it up?" He asks and Mami nods

"So Y/n's side of the family can come, her Tio and primos" My eyes widen, my cousins are coming? They're going to kill Camilo. Oh lord.
"How moved up is it?" I ask nervously

"This Saturday" I look at Mami, it's Thursday. She nods, worry clear on her face. My cousins are trouble makers, menaces and crazy over protective when it comes to me. I'm there little prima. I force a smile and my fingers sizzle, Alma sits down and Camilo takes my hand

"It'll be okay" I nod, though I don't believe him. After dinner is done I grab Mami and Papi and drag them into an empty room.

"They can't come!" I exclaim

"Mija, somehow word got out to them and they insisted as did Alma" Papi says and I bite my thumb, Mateo runs in.

"Our primos can not come" he says
"Why do you think I'm freaking out?" I ask angrily and lightning cracks, lighting up the sky. "Shit" I murmur

"They won't ruin the wedding" Mami says holding my shoulders and I nod, Pepa's weather is nothing compared to what they can do.

"They'll hate him!" I pace again
"They hate any guy who speaks to you" Mateo says simply, arms crossed.
"They're going to torment Camilo" I groan, I sit in a chair, head in my hands.
"They're coming tomorrow"
"Oh great!" I say sarcastically and Papi sighs
"We'll do everything in our power to control them"
"There's four of them! How are we going to control them? Especially when one can literally be anyone and one can be invisible!" I ask lightning lights up the sky again

"Leo will never ruin your day" Mateo says and I nod, I know he won't.
"We'll figure something out, go try and get some sleep" Papi says, I frown and walk upstairs. Camilo and Dolores are sitting on his bed, they freeze like deer in headlights. I groan and rub my forehead, leaning on the door.

"I'm sure they aren't that bad" Dolores says with a forced smile
"No, they are that bad" I sigh and take off my shoes. Dolores leaves saying her good nights and I change into my pyjamas. Camilo changes and I sit in bed, leg shaking.

"Are they really that bad?" He asks adjusting the blanket
"Yes! They-" I take a breath "they're very protective" Camilo looks nervous "and they're gifts are trouble"
"They sound lovely" He says sarcastically and I laugh harshly. "Tell me about them" I nervously play with my fingers
"There Anthony, he's the oldest, he's twenty five, all of his senses are enhanced. Then Miguel and Daniel, Miguel can possess people and Daniel can read minds. They're twenty"

"He can possess people?" Camilo asks and I nod quickly
"Just like take over their body, or control it" Camilo leans back "and then there's Leo, he's eighteen and he can become invisible"
"All of those gifts are sick" Camilo says and I shake my head

"Not when they use them to mess with people"
"Oh" I rub my temples and take deep breaths. Maybe they'll be responsible humans, not likely. I know Anthony won't cause trouble. I slouch down and Camilo pulls me against his chest. He falls asleep and I lay there awake.

Maybe I can scare them, threaten them with my gift. Oh god. I somehow fall asleep. I wake up and my palms sweat. I get out of bed and change into white tank top with small yellow lighting bolts and a yellow skirt. I tie on my sandals and walk down, my family is up. We wait anxiously

"I'm sure everything will be fine. My brother will kill them if they ruin anything." Mami says and I rake my hands through my hair. A knock on the door makes me jump and I walk with everyone. Camilo holds my hand and I take a deep breath. Alma opens the door
"Hola!" She says happily and shakes their hands. Leo's gaze falls on me and Camilo, he runs at me and hugs me

"Hey" He laughs and spins me around, Leo is my favourite.
"How've you been?" I ask, hand on his shoulder

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