Chapter 1: Only the Beginning

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Asiya's p.o.v

He loves me...he loves me not...he loves me...he loves me not....

I put down the flower I had been picking and started walking home. There's no point in continuing that silly 3rd grade game. C'mon. Of course me wouldn't love me...he doesn't even know me! And, unfortunately...I don't know him. By him, I mean Princeton. You know? The light skinned sexy Afro having boy from the boy band Mindless Behavior? I promised myself that by the time I got home, I wouldn't be in love and it'd just be a crush. A crush, nothing more...

In the 5 minutes it took to get home I had done it. I congratulated myself, got a bottle if water and went downstairs to my room to just relax. I turned on "Future" on my iPhone, of course by MB. And texted my best and only friend Kari.

Me: Hey!

Kari: hey

Me: wyd?

Kari: nothing, just listening to nirvana. Wby?

Me: thinking about my future boyfriend! Lol. But no, really...thinking about this MB meet & greet! I can't wait!

Kari: me too, matter of fact I think I'm about to go to sleep now. Night!

Me: night:)

After that I was out and woke up to the vibration of my phone ringing. Why was my mom calling me?!

Me: hello?

Mom: wake up! It's nearly 11 and you know how long it takes you to get ready! *hangs up*

Ugh...I texted Kari to make sure she was up, and sure enough she was.  

I got my clothes together, nothing too fancy..just something simple..they're people just like me, and hopped in the shower. Once I got out I got everything on, and did my hair so that it wouldn't poof up too much. I'm not really a jewelry or makeup person so I put on some simple earrings in my second hole (I have gauges in my first) and a tube of lipgloss in my pocket. I looked in my mirror and I felt beautiful, my face had a natural glow, and I knew I did just right with my looks today. Now, I just have to wait for Kari.

*20 min later*

The doorbell rings and I get up, but my brother Eli runs to the door instead. I roll my eyes and let him. Before she can set a foot in the door he's giving her the 3rd degree.

Eli: so! You're meeting mindless behavior?! Man, they gay! And ugly espec-

Me: takes one to know one....

Eli: man! Shutup...but as I was saying, especially Prodigy! What's wrong with his eyes?! 'I'll take off my you my eyes I can see-'

My mother walked in and he shut up and got on the computer. My mom is real cool and down to earth but gets annoyed real quick, so if he didn't shut up it would've been a bad scene. 

She told us to get ready and within 4.78 seconds we were out the house in the car and out the driveway.

It only took about 20 minutes to get to downtown ATL and to the place the meet & greet was at. Once we got there my mom dropped us off and said to call her when were done.

We walked to the building and saw that the line was beyond long. I many girls had to come see them today? We made our way to the back of the line and stood for about 30 min before MB even showed up! These girls went crazy, luckily me and Kari were the last 2 in line because we couldn't have dealt with girls screaming in our ears. I stood quiet for a while then decided I would talk when a crazy thought came in my head.

Me: KARI?!?!?

Kari: omg, what Asiya?! You nearly made me drop my's already cracked enough.

It sure was...back in the summer at bush gardens we were in line for a ride and my brother bumped into her and cracked the bottom corner of her iPhone.

Me: what if they don't let us in, like...we're the last two in line!

Kari: no. no. no. They can't do that. We have to get in. If we don't...lord help me.

I saw anger boiling inside of her and looked ahead. We were almost at the front...

Me: Kari, how long have we been standing here? I didn't even notice us moving up.

Kari: we got here at Three. It's five....five?! Two hours standing here?! Hell yea they better let us in.

Me: well, we're almost there, don't get your panties in a bunch!

Kari just went back on her phone. Just 10 more people and were in there! It didn't take long for them to finally get to us.

Kari: omg, we're almost there!!!

Me: I know...I'm nervous.

Kari: why?!

Me: what if they're tired of seeing people?

Kari: c'mon. They won't be tired once they see you.

Me: yea..ok.

When we got in I immediately got happy and bounced in. The boys...they're gorgeous! I just stared until one of them kept asking me something.

???: how are you?

Omfg. It was Princeton.

Me: under certain circumstances...I can say I've had better days.

Prince: what happened?

Me: everything. It's cold, my feet hurt from standing outside for 2 hours...etc etc.

Prince: I'm sorry about that...I see you're friend over there taking pictures and whatnot, do you want too?

Me: yea, sure thing.

I took out my phone and we took some pictures together, being that me and Kari were the last ones in line, we were the last two fans in there. So, I took advantage of that and started making funny faces. He did the same. My heart fluttered and I wondered if he liked me. No, he couldn't. He doesn't even know my name...but maybe I spoke too soon.

Prince: know my name, what's yours?

Me: Asiya. It's spelled a-s-i-y-a people get confused.

Prince: That's pretty Asiya.

Me: *blushes* thank you.

Prince: no problem.

About 10 minutes later we left, I think with more feelings for those boys than we wanted too have. We dropped Kari off and went home. I went straight to bed, thinking about the boy I wish was mine.


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