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My mouth was watering when our food had arrived.

Being such a cheap hotel, room service was the last thing I had expected. So when I saw a tray coming in after Zayn answered the door, you can imagine how big my eyes were.

"Get on your knees." Zayn says as I walk further into the room.

I scowl and drop to my knees.

I really hate this. I did not miss this at all, but because my butt is stinging from my last punishment, I'm obedient.

"Come here, pet." Zayn murmurs.

I crawl towards him and stop in between his legs.

"Are you hungry?" He questions, leaning down.

"Yes master."

"Open your mouth." Zayn says.

I open my mouth as I see him cutting whatever it is on the plate.

When he offers me some, syrup drips from it and I lick my lips.

"Open." He frowns.

I open my mouth and he feeds me the substance. I knew from the syrup that it was pancakes and I smile.

Oh god I love maple syrup.


I nod appreciatively. "Please."

He feeds me more, and I continue to use my manners to stay on his good side.

The rest of the day had stretched far too long, and I was aching to get out of the house, even if it was just a walk around the hotel.

I kept walking around the rooms, obviously annoying Zayn who was working on his damn laptop.

I sigh obnoxiously loud for him to look at me annoyed and I fake a smile.

"Can we go for a walk?" I question. "Please."

"No." Zayn shakes his head. "Go in your room and be quiet."

God you sound like my dad.

Sighing once again, I make my way into my bedroom and gaE put the window aimlessly like I'm some kind of prisoner.

Outside is gloomy as ever.

Not surprising. It's always shitty in England.

I turn the TV on to distract me, or maybe it's to create a background noise, but all I can do is stare out the window. This is the closest to freedom I'm going to have until Zayn sells me.

I shake my head.

He's selling me to a monster who's probably just as bad, or worse than Zayn is.

My hand curls around the little bracelet around my wrist.

It's so pretty.

"Come on, pet."

I frown and turn to face Zayn standing at the door way with his jacket on.


"Come on!" He gestures me out and I blink at him.

"Where are we going?"

He rolls his eyes. "Put your shoes on."

Frowning, I shuffle off the bed and grab a pair of socks to pull my shoes on. My blisters aren't as bad they were the other night, but my feet are hard and dry.

Once I pulled them on, I walk towards Zayn and he grabs my hand and leads me out the hotel room after handing me a jacket.

We made our way down the staircase and I take in the fresh air as the chill bites into my skin.

Malik - Z.M (Book 1, Malik Series)Where stories live. Discover now