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Few months later

It has been six months I came to New York and stared working at " The Phoenix". Things have been eventful, Brittany and I have become good friends , well she knows our secret but she promised not to tell anyone. My 18th birthday was last week and only Brittany, Kathy and I got to celebrate it with me.

Marco and I have also become good friends and I think he has a thing for Brittany but she can't give in because she has a daughter and we can't date coworkers. Her daughter Evie is the cutest 2 year old I have ever seen, it is a shame her dad didn't want her. Well, Brittany had an affair with a married man and later dumbed her.

I don't blame her tho, the heart want what it wants. She is still in love with him tho. I met some of the other worker, some were nice and some were rude. Justine the rude girl was the bosses formal personal dancer until Joana came long and the boss fell in love.

I heard he was the biggest player in New York and even USA. We are yet to meet him. He is on vacation with his family and will be back this weekend.

Kathy has also changed, we don't talk like we usually do because she is now friends with Justine and the other rude girls, Marcy and Lola. She now hooks up with men in the club but I think she also has a thing for Marco.

As I was walking to the staff room to put my things in the locker, I hear Kathy calling by my name Amelia,
"Hey you have to be careful how you call me. It is Kehlani when we are outside" I shush her,
"Oh sorry I forgot but have you heard?,"she asked
"Heard what Kathy"
"The boss is coming here today and I heard from Miss Mendes telling her husband that the boss' wife left the child with him and run away with a different lover ,"

"What??? How!!"
" That isn't all.The man she left with is the boss' best friend" she says as we enter the room.

I guess that is what everyone is talking about.

"I hope I get a chance with him. I had he is handsome and quite big. I can't wait to get him inside of me", Kathy says dreamily.

"No Kathy , he must be heartbroken and you know why we are here right"I say to her
"Oh don't be such a prude. Live at little" she says rolling her eyes getting into her dress.

Today we all had to wear white dresses, so Kathy wore bartender's uniform, a white backless dress and white kicks and I wore a white short jumpsuit with a wedge shoe like the rest of the girls.

"I'll see you later"she says and leaves the room. I walk to waitress area and I saw Brittany already at work.

"Hey you gotta hurry the boss would any here and minute from now. He wouldn't be in a good mood, I feel bad for him right now" she says to me

"Yh had what happened. The girl is heartless . Oh the poor baby"
"Oh well, he had it coming. He was warned but he didn't listen"
"Hey, you know the heart want what it wants" I tell giving her a sad and knowing smile.
"Yh"she whispers
"How is cutie Evie" I ask changing the topic,
" She is fine. Happy to be with my mom not me"she says smiling and we continue to talk about her.

It has two since we started working and I'm really tired from wearing these wedge.
"Hey, hey the boss is in" Brittany says nervously and suddenly I become nervous.
"Where is he?
"He is in his office with the heads of department, you know what I mean" she says chuckling.

After some time we saw Justine smiling happily in a lingerie walking upstairs.
"Ughhh, that whore, he's been here for 30mins and already throwing her self at him" she says with a disgusted face.
"Don't blame her. I think he called for her" I tell her and we went back to minding our business.

It is now 10:30 and my shift is almost over. I'm heading to locker when I heard a baby crying in one of the closed office doors. I immediately went over a slowly open the door, I saw a baby lying on made shift bed balling his eyes out. He was the cutest baby boy I have ever seen. I immediately went over and picked him up. His forest green eyes filled with tears made my heart break. He looks about two months old.
" Hey little king don't cry. I'm here" I coo him and after some time he stopped crying.

Who would leave a cute baby like this here, I say to myself. I was still cooing him and then I heard a deep voice behind,

"Who are you and what are you doing with my son?" He says and I turned around to meet the handsome man of God's creation.


Kathy's dress

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Kathy's dress

Amelia's dress

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Amelia's dress

Amelia's working heels

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Amelia's working heels.

So guys to clear up the confusion.
Amelia is Kehlani
Kathy is Laura
They are best friends.

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Love you guys.

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