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It has been 12 days since the festival and I haven't spoken to Mr

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It has been 12 days since the festival and I haven't spoken to Mr.Miller since. Mind you he is the one avoiding me like a plague. I try to make a conversation with him but he only waves/brushes me off.

My bond with Max has gotten even more stronger,he is always with me ,we nap together ,we eat together , we do everything together, I even made him a small baby bed in my room. He never wants to leave me side.

Two days ago we had Isabella had her gender reveal and I was a boy,  I felt something is off with her but I didn't ask, I hoped she is alright.

I only have a week till my flight  home for Christmas. I want to surprise them so I had to tell I couldn't make it.

Right now I'm in the kitchen making myself lunch for Max, Brittany and her daughter who came to visit me today.

I settle the juice and sandwiches for us and I  Max's baby food mix I made myself. I remember my mom doing them for my brothers. It was very easy, you only need bread dip in egg and toast it till brown,add some banana or strawberry for taste or flavor ,a table spoon of sugar and milk then you blend them together. For the finishing touch you add some evaporated milk for taste. Your baby will love it.

"So how are things going?"I ask Brits once I settle down and begin to feed Max.

"Nothing much I've just been missing you alot,since you don't always come to club like you use to. I didn't have anyone to talk to since Marco and I aren't together anymore"she says with sad eyes.

Did I mention Marco cheated on Brittany once he found out she has a child, his excuse was "I'm not ready to be a father let alone father another man's child". What a jerk.

"Don't worry Bee the right man will come to your door"I tell her,

"Yh I hope so. Also her dad is back, he wants to be apart of her life but I'm still confused Mia I don't what to do" she says desperately.

"You mean Clayton is back and wants to be in her life after so many years. Well I hard his wife has been cheating on him ever since they got married 13years ago. I overhead Mr. Miller saying the children aren't even his. She begun cheating on him when he started growing in business"I tell her.

"Oh yh I heard about that on the news,that is why I'm confused about him being in her life. I only want her  to have a peace of mind."she reasons

"Just take your time,don't rush into decisions, and if you need anything don't hesitate to ask me"I tell her.

Max has fallen asleep right after eating and Brittany and I are watching "Lucifer" since I haven't seen the show before, while Crystal is playing with the toys on the play mat.

It is now 4:30 and Brittany is about leaving to get some rest at home. She is off duty today at the club. I was putting Max in the baby carrier when the opens revealing a cold and angry look Miller.

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