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A month  has passed since I gave Mr. Miller a piece of my mind, I have also gone back to work, I don't sing anymore , I am back to serving the elite men and women. Kathy has stopped working and is now following an old business tycoon.

As for Mr. Miller we have been avoiding each other, he made Joanna his personal singer and I see them make out most of the time. I wouldn't say it doesn't hurt because it does. It hurts alot because I kinda develop some feelings for him but what can i say he is an asshole and I'm going to move on. One day I'm going find a man who loves me and we are going to be in love.

I'm done with my semester, things went quite well with the exams. I'm feeling A's coming on, I'm happy, my life would be set in a few years. My parents are happy, my dad is now feeling better, my brothers have everything they need for school,life going on well for them.

My friendship with Justin has also blossom , I got to meet his fiance and he is funny as hell,I love him as hell I think he replaced Kathy.

Right now I'm packing my belongings since the house has been sold.  I'm moving in with Mr. Miller for a while till I can find my own apartment, even tho Justin offer me one ,I couldn't take it. Isabella will be staying with me till tomorrow then leaves for  Virginia.

"Mia bring the last box, the car is moving" Isa shouts from down stairs

"Coming ,I'll there in a minute" I shout back closing the box.

Once I'm out the door I meet the new family coming to stay here, it is a beautiful young lady, I also see two identical boys standing beside a very tall panty droping handsome man.

"Mia meet Carry Mount  and her husband Daniel Mount of the Mount  industry. They just moved from California and wanted a temporary home for themselves" Isabella says.

"Nice to meet you again Isabella , I hope Nik is doing alright. We just wanted to have a cozy home for the boys and before their sister is born we don't want anything big" she says with a smile and then my mind went to her stomach there a realize there is small baby bump there.

"Mummy, daddy said we can go back to big house in LA if we don't like it here" the boy with brown hair say.

" Yh Mummy we don't like it here. It is too small,where will we play" the black her boy says and I see the husband with a smirk on face, but it immediately disappears with one look from his wife.

"Jace, Jayden don't mind daddy this is big enough for you to have a playroom okay. You'll love it here" she says and I hear the husband groan from behind,

She turns to face with a smile on her face,
"Erm, don't mind my husband, he doesn't like the idea of us living like a normal family. Please don't let us keep you here, tell Nik I'll come and visit him" she says and drags her husband with her into the house.

"Wow,they are really happy together" I say

"Yh,she deserves to be happy after everything she went through" she says with said smile as we drove to Mr. Miller's Mansion.

"Why what happened?"

"I don't really know but Nik says it was an arranged marriage but her husband infedility made it a hell for her. She almost lost her life. I heard they got back together after 3 years if being friends" she explains

"Oh that is a sad story but happy they are back together"I say and we change the topic.

We are now at Miller's house and I'm settling down in one of the rooms.

I'm still unpacking when I someone knocks on the door,
"Who is that?" I yell to the other side

" It is me and someone is eager to see you" I hear Carla's voice say.

I immediately went to open the door and I Carla and a very excited Max comes to view.

"Hi baby" I coo him as I take him from her,

"I'll bring his food and toy for you " she says and was about to leave,

"Ermm, Carla not mean to intrude but how old is he"

"Oh I'll be 1 next January" she says with a smile.

"Oh baby only a month before you turn a year old, how are you my little fluffy pom." I blow raspberries on his stomach and he continues to giggle.

After playing for some time, I placed on the floor for him to crawl around alittle as I finish unpack

By the time I'm done unpacking it is almost time and Carla came for sleeping Max to put him to bed.

I take a shower and make my way down stairs. I hear people chattering and laughing in the dinning area.

I see Mr. Miller , Grey, Isabella and two people I don't know.

"Oh Kehlani you are here, come  and join us" Grey says  gesturing me to sit down.

I sit down and the other maid brought me my dinner,which was pasta and to be honest I love spaghetti.

"Kehlani this McKenzie,Grey's older brother and his girlfriend Laney" Isabella introduces us, and I see the lady eyeing Mr. Miller,hmmm seems like another whore.

All this while Mr. Miller had his eyes strain on his phone.

Dinner went pretty well, I learnt McKenzie lives in Canada and works in the main company of the Duox family. He has 2 children from his late wife and they are staying with their grandma.

I still don't get why she with Laney,she looks like a Barbie doll. Well who am I to judge.

Through out the conversation Mr. Miller never spoke a word to me. But I don't really care,I'm happy I get to live in peace here.

After dinner Grey and Isabella retired to bed ,so does McKenzie and Laney.

I'm in the living watching Netflix with Max who woke up not long ago, he is on my lap playing with my hair. We don't where his father was, just as the movie was getting interesting I hear the door bell ring.

Groaning, I lazily stand with Max on my hip and make my way to the door. I open to see a lady dressed in mini dress standing at door, short strawberry blonde hair and polish nails. Her breast at very huge and very much plastic with her face cake up in make ups.

"How may I help you"I ask politely

"Oh you must the nanny, I'm looking for Nikolas tell him Rena his girlfriend is here" she says, her voice is annoying too.

Just when I was about to answer I hear his voice,
"Who is at the door?,"he asks

"Oh Nik baby it is me "the lady Rena I think that is her name says, and pushes me out of the nearly knocking me down.

She runs to him and kisses him which he returns might I say. I felt a ping in my heart but I decide to ignore it ,

"Ermmm,there is a baby here, could please move to a different place"I say and the break the kiss.

He had a smirk on his face and carried her upstairs,with her giggling.

This is going to be a long night. I say to myself.

Another chapter done

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Another chapter done.
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