Update on me and where i am in life

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Hello girls,gays and theys. I'm so happy to be writing again. It's been a minute since you guys heard from me. I don't like that I left you all hanging for what seems like two years but I've been just living  my life and doing me. I'm in a happier head space now than I've been in a long time and just wanted to come and speak to you guys really quick..  but before I get into the update I just want to say that I'm so grateful and appreciative of you guys support, I'm so shocked that this many people has even read my little rinky dink ass book ,lol. I never thought that this many people would connect with the things I was going through ( and still very much am lol). so again from the bottom of my heart thank you all for the support. Now to the update you guys haven't been waiting on lol.
So last time we spoke( about the original pretense of this book) I believe I was telling you guys about my FaceTime from hell with that one guy; and my failed sexual relationship with swirl who was in a whole relationship lol. And I would like to add that there were so many red flags alarming me to the type of person swirl was that I should of known better tbh, but unfortunately I didn't. And now I will be stalking my next sexual partner via social media for the rest of my life lmao. I ain't letting shit else pass me by. 

Anyways, on with the update gal, so I haven't really entertained dating since then nor have I been having any sex lol. I had sex once and decided that that was enough for me 😂 nah I'm joking but really really I just realized that I required more connection before sex. I just want to feel like the apple of someone's eye 🤕 and I'm just not getting that from the men I'm attracted to ( y'all notice I said attracted to lol, y'all see the growth right?) I've just been focusing my energy on me, although I will admit I do get lonely and crave affection 🥺😭. I just want to be cuddled up while watching a movie with someone I feel safe with. I also been craving dick, I ain't gone lie chile it's been heavy on my noggin. Loliwannagetrailedsobad. I'm not actively searching but it's getting hot outside and I'm thinking about opening up these legs again lol. Idk y'all let me know how y'all feel. Ik I always say my chapters are sporadic and it's bc they are that's what happens when someone with adhd writes lol.
Love y'all so much!
- keke 💋

Also y'all regarding the tumblr and the likee,  yeah...that's all gone out the window. I think writing down my thoughts is much easier for me and plus I just feel like I'm journaling but with an audience/community. Also I've started my own spiritual journey and wonder if that's something y'all would be interested to read about lemme know down below also if u want to follow me on ig my @itgirlkeke

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2022 ⏰

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