The blog has finally come to fruition!

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So guys, I know I've been talking about creating a blog for well over 3 months now, and it's finally here! I know that many of you probably won't want to move whole ass apps just for my shitty opinions on sex and yadda yadda, but guys I'm really trying to branch out and expand the diary series into something bigger! Especially considering that I'm no longer a virgin lol and that a lot of my stances on sex have changed since then. This book has been two years in the making and I'm so happy, proud, and grateful that you guys have been here sticking it out with me. Even when I was slacking not posting as often. You guys still come back and I see you guys adding it to your libraries and stuff and it's making me feel so gitty on the inside. Like I feel like yall are my friends for real, lol like the shit yall know not even the people closest to me don't. I just wanna show yall I appreciate yall for reading my Lil dumb diary lol. Thank you all! I truly mean it!

anyways here is the link to the "PhatEgomaniac: I AM NOT YOUR BODY POSI INSPO" blog:

And yes i will be occasionally coming into Wattpad to drop a chapter or two, but i do eventually plan on ending this series.

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