Well i guess that makes me a mistress

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So earlier today I went grocery shopping with my family and as we were walking into the store the guy i lost my virginity to was walking out in tow with a girl. He glanced at me a hurriedly looked away, I noticed but didn't make a scene just kept on about my business. Once the area was clear I mentioned to my sister how that was the guy, and she was like wait... you do know he's been with that girl for years right? I didn't feel any type I just laughed it off but I donned on me that maybe our interaction was the way it was because this man wasn't single when we met. But hey, I charged it to the game.

Just wanted to share this funny encounter with y'all

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Just wanted to share this funny encounter with y'all. I have a lot of ideas about this book but I'm just too lazy to type them out, but I also wanted to give y'all something new. Anyway tell me some weird encounters y'all have had.

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