Things I Wish Someone Would of Told Me Before I Started Dating. ( well sorta)

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Hey, y'all! Surprised to see me here? Did I gag y'all? This is rare for me, I know. But I've been so inspired lately to write. I guess me being out or work and not in school inspired me to. Anyways, here's 5 things I wish someone told me when I first started dating.

1. Know yourself I cannot stress this enough in order to figure out the type of people you are interested in; you have to figure out who you are. You are a huge factor in the dating world. Figuring out who you are before you start dating will save you so much time and energy I promise! I damn near can guarantee it!

2. Don't settle for less. You are deserving of love and admiration therefore you should not be dealing with anyone who treats you as if you don't. Stick true to your expectations you may not find the right guy when you want him but I promise you he's out there somewhere. Bigger women often feel like they have to settle with the first man who gives them affection even if they aren't attracted, you don't have to be with someone you don't find attractive just because you're bigger. You deserve to be with a handsome man too! just be patient with yourself.

3. Be yourself. Often bigger women tend to feel the need to make themselves appear "smaller" or "weaker", a good relationship will never start based on you lying (to yourself or otherwise). Embrace yourself flaws and all.

4. Don't hold yourself back. Don't let your fear of the unknown get in the way of your happiness. Even the sexiest people have been rejected before, rejection is normal and will always be a thing. Putting yourself out there can't hurt anyone, so just enjoy yourself

5. Enjoy your time. They knew you were fat when they got with you, sis. I promise you not even the most form-fitting Spanx will hide your fupa or body shape. Don't hide your rolls, fat, stretch marks, or dark inner thighs, they know exactly what they will be getting. You are sexy, you are desirable, you are fierce. Don't let your inner saboteur win, you deserve to be pleased.

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