Update on that blog i planned on making.

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So I've been up thinking, since I have no job, not in school and not doing shit with my life at the moment in figured now would be my time to invest energy into doing the things I always said I would do. So here goes nothing!
I've finally decided to make a blog on tumblr for 2 reasons: 1 being my laptop screen broke so... and I'm lazy I don't want to type this mess out using my phone atm. And 2, it's so much easier. As I start develop my "blog" then I will maybe upgrade to an actual website where you guys can actually send me your stories, questions, and feedback. But as for now tumblr is where it's at. I know that you guys don't want to download another app just to keep up with my stories and you don't have to! But for those of you who do I will be letting you know when the blog is up and running. Should be no later than 5 days from now! So if you guys have tumblrs or something for me to follow let me know! I will get into the details of what the blog will consist of in the next chapter update. Yes I still will be writing here from time to time but im trying to move this to a broader horizon. I'm feeling trapped here on Wattpad and plus I would just enjoy the interpersonal engagement! So anyways you guys let me know how u feel about this

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