Bye bye virgin mary

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So I've decided to give up my virginity this year. Not sure when or with who; but I've decided that I'm just ready to spread my wings (legs) and fly! 🤣
No but seriously though I've been thinking about it for a while and I got to asking myself what was the reason I'm holding onto it? I couldn't find an answer that I was okay with. As I've stated before I don't really hold my virginity in such a high regard. All I ask of my future partner is to make sure you take care of me. And teach me things that will help me further on down the road if you get the gist. I'm just ready and feel like maybe this will help me break free a different part of myself and help achieve the sex appeal I oh so wish I had.

So end of story is I basically want to get these cheeks clapped

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So end of story is I basically want to get these cheeks clapped. I got a couple candidates but I'm not 100% sure yet.
Let me know what you guys think I might come back  and add some other stuff to this chapter that I need to get off my chest. Anyway let me know what you all think like I said earlier I'm curious

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