Update on "I guess that makes me a mistress"

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I hate that I'm even writing about this guy, I hate even more that this is my introduction back to this book but guys he's literally the worst! anyways, on with the tea I have to spill to you.

Do you guys remember when I told you that I saw him( the guy who took my virginity, let's call him swirl from now on) in the company of a WHYTE woman leaving Walmart? and how I later found out that she was not just some random WHYTE lady but a woman he'd been dating for YEARS! Right??! right! okay so tell me why I get a random friend request from this account, it had pictures and everything up like literally this account has been set up for a long period of time. So it's been months and the most activity I've received from said Facebook account is a couple of likes on my posts/ pictures. So in April the account messages me saying hey, wassup and all this other shit, I never answered because I just got such a weird vibe from the account and also because I hate using Facebook messenger. At the end of July the account messages me again saying hi, I was bored so I replied. you know we had that meaningless conversation, yall know the ones where men are just absolute ASS at texting asking the same 1 question over and over again!!! The conversation ends shortly after because I just refuse to be bored by someone I don't even know. A month later in August, the account texts me again asking me the same fucking questions! like the exact same conversation!!! So I asked who even are you to which they waited literally 6 WHOLE DAYS TO RESPOND TO! I never replied after making me wait an ENTIRE week, so they decide texting just couldn't possibly be enough and that they should in fact CALL me REPEATEDLY. I finally answer after a day of harassment ( okay maybe not harassment but yall they called me 2 times), and I know what you're thinking, "why didn't she just block the account after the first weird interaction?" and the answer to that would be, that I'm a Taurus sun libra moon and Gemini rising with terrible taste in men, and willing to accept even the tiniest little bit of attention I can get! :), I know I should do better but it's so hard :(., so after the third call I pick up and you guys would NEVER guess who was on the other end!!! Imma give yall time, just guess!

*ques jeopardy thinking music*

times up if you guessed SWIRL you were correct you win.... well you don't win anything. Yes, you guys it was SWIRL on an account that didn't have pictures of himself!!!! meaning this was a catfish page for you guessed it, to hide from his girlfriend who he'd been with for YEARS :). Don't we just love a lying, cheating man??? anyways. the conversation lasted all but 2 minutes, he was asking to see me again, I told him only if he invites his girlfriend with him. Yall should have heard him scramble to get off my line. LMAO! IDK what he thought would happen, but I'm never the one to lie with a man who has a girlfriend/ any other forms of attachments (on purpose)! So I blocked him and that was that!

Honestly guys, tell me how you feel about this situation? is there anything I should have done to protect myself from guys like this? if so please let me know in the comments and please don't be afraid to say how you really feel. I'm not easily offended! also, I would love to interact with you guys more on social media so if you wanted to follow me on TikTok: @kekethebarb & IG: @kekethebarbee

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