The facetime from hell

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Hey y'all!! I know I barely post chapters for this book but I honestly don't feel like writing lol. But I thought I would do some sort of a story time. Idk, but I thought it could be a cute idea lol.
So anyways, Me and this guy was chatting on one of these back door ass dating apps and from the conversation he seemed like a pretty decent guy. He was handsome and didn't mention sex as often as most men I've met on the app had. We actually stayed on the phone for like 3 hours just chatting about everything and once again he seemed like a stand up guy. Also guys he was at work while we were having this conversation and never made me feel like I was taking up time. Anyway lol before we got off the phone after the 3 hour conversation he mentioned how he would like to FaceTime and go over more intimate details (how we grew up and family matters) I agreed and next thing you know it's the next day we're on FaceTime he's on his way to wash clothes at his mothers house and once again the conversation was immaculate! But it suddenly took a dark turn... he was chilling at his parents crib waiting for his clothes to be done washing and he begins to mention how when he was a kid his baby sitter molested him and made him do awful things to her, but instead of talking about it like the horror it was he was talking about it as a flex?¿¿? And I don't want to tell people how to cope but that seemed a bit odd to me? But once we got over the hurdle and I explained to him how that was rape the conversation returned back to normal or so I thought...
okay so yall when I tell u it turned left reaaaal quick! I mean reaaaaal quick! We hung up the phone briefly because he had something to handle and he ft me back, but this time he was in the bathroom¿? I'm thinking weird but...okay. We're 20 minutes into conversation and this man starts to beat his meat y'all.... like pulls his dick out and beats his meat while we're having a non-sexual conversation!!!!

 like pulls his dick out and beats his meat while we're having a non-sexual conversation!!!!

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I'm like um... what is that sound?? He's like it's nothing to go ahead and finish what you were saying. Y'all I can see this mans other arm moving and hear him stroking his dick. I'm like.. "are you beating your dick????" He admits and I'm like don't u think that's weird???? Like to beat your dick while a strange girl you don't know is speaking to you??? Needless to say the conversation was ended up going nowhere, I've never seen or heard from him again.
Y'all tell me what you think about this 🤣 and have any of you been in a situation if you have what did you do /think , if not what y'all would of done in this situation. Also I'm thinking about making a website like a gossip column or something so u guys can submit your stories to this book too. But for now if y'all have any conversation pieces or stories u would like to discuss dm me on ig: @kekethebarbee or pm me on here!

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