Chapter 2

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Part 1


I snuggle into my nest and find myself drift to sleep. I dream of running in taller green grass among flowers and trees. I know these things, I use to see them once in a while, but now it's rare.

In some places, I believe these things are over abundant. I like to believe that many ruins are overgrown.

I do not know how much time has passed before I woke up. It still seems to be dark out, I look around. I notice that my sister, Tamara, is still asleep.

I make a huffing sound which is immediately followed by me freezing in place. I wait in silence as I watch Tamara shift in her sleep.

She doesn't seem to watch up and I take that as my que to leave. She is more sleepy lately and sluggish.

I think it's because she was built for warmer weather. I don't make any noises even after I successfully sneak out of the den.

However, I do walk quietly with a spring in my step. I happily take in the sight of night sky and the land before me.

We usually move during night, but with Tamara's pending hibernation I have no choice to follow her change in hunting.

Tamara is full carnivore while I am an omnivore. So she reluctantly satiates her pallet with humans. Human weapons that survived the fall of man do not hurt her or me; making it easy to simply wipe them out.

Some humans are more resilient than others and we let them fight to death out of respect. If it wasn't for Tamara's size, she wouldn't have to eat so much especially during winter preparation nor eat humans at all.

They taste bland and full of fat- which is kind of a good thing for us I guess. I'm just glad I don't have to eat humans yet. I am slightly taller than most humans. I haven't reached full maturity for my species. I know as a human I would absolutely be a young adult. I wish I could turn into a human sometimes.

But in an environment like ours, it's safer being a monster or well, a kind of demon? I don't know much really. Saying I'm a monster is so much easier.

Back to the task at hand, I've reached my prey. A vampire. The fact that he is a vampire and part of a large coven is the only reason he is still alive and I believe that with all I have.

I remember him from my childhood. He is the reason my dad is dead. He gave a bear a shot gun.

I bitterly wonder if he ever felt guilty about it. I doubt it with how dumb he is. Or he could just be evil inside and doesn't let anyone know.

In any case, I follow him as he skips like an idiot to his neighbors bunker. A human that is stronger than most.

I like him. He's nice and funny.


Bye for now!!

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Bye for now!!

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