Chapter 6 [Real]

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He was cold, laying still with no feeling in his arm. His eye stung and he ached everywhere. He thought maybe he was dying and this was his life slowly draining. That he was somehow feeling it yet in a dulled, distant manner.

He wanted more than to live. For one, dying by a monster is cool, but his last meal being subpar alcohol? No thank you, life please.

Edd slept until he woke up to Ringo pawing at him. Opening his eyes, he looked at Ringo meowing and licking their paw. Ringo began to circle him and then jump off the bed.

"Are you restless?", asked Edd.

Ringo trotted to the door and scratched it. Edd took as Ringo wanting the bathroom. He unlocked the door and placed his gun on his back.

Scanning around him, he had the thought of getting a peep hole of some sort. Ringo and Edd made way out of the bunker and noted the sun being out.

He locked the door and saw Ringo prancing a way.

"Ringo! Wait for me.", said Edd running after them.

He watched Ringo get farther and farther away from him. He panicked and sped up to reach them. He head a groan when he stopped to catch his breath.

He took his gun out and approached the sound, he figured Ringo will make their way back eventually.

He saw a body next the river. It was a young man with one arm and a scarred face. Feeling sympathetic for the poor man, he decided to bring him back to his bunker. When he got closer, the man opened his eye in a frantic manner; fear in his eyes.

"Hold on, let me help you! I won't hurt you.", said Edd.

Ringo ran for a few minutes when they noticed their human is nowhere to be seen. Happy about this fact, they calmly followed the scent they smelled near their home.

It was a cave with the entrance covered in flowers, vines and bushes. They sniffed the fruit left at the entrance and went in.

They found the source of the scent in a pile of foliage. Ringo sits with their tail swaying. Ringo let out a loud meow.

The creature woke up and moved. When it saw Ringo it wagged it's tail in excitement and lowered its self to Ringo's level.



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