Chapter 8

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That last one was an alternate universe. Anyways on to important stuff.
Edd had managed to get the severally injured man into his bunker. Edd may not trust him when he's better, but as an optimist and normal guy he had to try and save him.

He set him on the couch and began to search for supplies. He spent hours in uncertainty as he did the best he could.

The man laying on the couch got it bloody. Edd will have to replace it. Once the man was bandage up, Edd pondered wither to keep the man at his bunker or to take him to one of the many abandoned houses nearby.

Edd sighed with a ruffle to his hair, he walked over to his food storage. He needed to calculate how much he had and how long it will last.

"I really hope Ringo is okay.", Edd piped up with a snap of his fingers as he held a can in each hand.

Edd didn't noticed the man briefly wake up with a blurry eye until he groaned in pain. Edd dropped the cans in his hands and stood up.

He walked over to the man and placed his hand on the man's shoulder to keep him from moving.

"Don't move, you are way too hurt and I don't know how to treat bad wounds like the ones you have. I am the worst at sewing.", said Edd.

"Hurts.....You are....?", asked the man.

"I'm Edd, I don't think you should talk. I know you are in pain, but I ran out of medicine a month ago. I don't know where to get some. Try to rest, okay?", said Edd.

The man went back into unconsciousness. Edd sighed and took a can of cola out of his hoodie. He opened it, took a sip, and then walked over to his map.

It was an old map of what his home country looked like before everything mysteriously went to ruin. He didn't particularly care about solving it. That being said, he updated the map to be more accurate to what it looks like now.

He use to a job a long time ago, but that didn't matter. Edd looked at his map, marked where he found the man with a red thumb tack.

He looked to see if there were any houses near it, but only found a clearing. He guessed the man was part of a group.

Edd got hungry and walked over to the food storage and grabbed a can of green beans. If he was going to get supplies and medicine, he will need to avoid where the other people of the man's group is.

Edd looked over at the man, "I don't know if you are a good guy or a bad guy, either way, I'll find out when you're better."


Matt merely skipped to Edds house as he always did. He felt a bit sad the big puppy didn't follow him this time.

"Suppose it does need the extra hours of sleep for how ugly it is.", commented Matt.

The incredibly vain vampire made it to Edd's bunker and knocked on the door. The same procedure happened like last time.

"Fair warning, I have a guest on the couch. He is hurt and I don't want you waking him up with screaming.", said Edd.

"Don't worry, I won't scream! It's not like he's horribly disfig- AAAHHHH!!", Matt did in fact scream.

Edd immediately covered Matt's mouth and glared at him. He waited for Matt to tap his hand to let him go.

Matt quietly said," Sorry, I was not prepared for that."

Edd lead Matt to the chair; he then smacked Matt in the head. Matt whined, but Edd only gave him a stern glare with his arms crossed.

"He has been severely injured and you are insulting him? You are going to fix the stitching and help me find medicine.", said Edd.

"But-", Matt started.

Edd had none of it. He shoved the needle and thread into Matt's hands, pointing at the man on the couch. Matt gave up arguing and did what he was told.

Matt was very into his own looks and cared about his clothes. He made sure to know how to sew in case his outfits got torn. He wasn't happy that fashion was put on the back burners, but that just meant he could be the leading fashion icon once everything was back to being a society.

All of this is said with one slight problem, Matt is a vampire. Vampires drink blood and Matt is also a gentleman.

This combination made it hard for Matt to focus. Tord had decent smelling blood. Edd, however, did not care at all.

Edd smacked Matt once again, he shoved a foul smelling cheese under Matt's nose with an angry smile. Matt resisted the urge to cry and no longer had any problems.

"You are so mean to me! Why are we friends?", cried Matt when he was done.

"Simple. I know how to draw and you can't see your own face without me.", was Edd's smug reply.

Edd contemplated why Matt still owned Silver and Iron back mirrors. He didn't not tell Matt that a regular mirror would give him a reflection. Mostly because Matt's siblings are bribing him with cola.

While Matt suffers a mirrorless world, his siblings can look at themselves and doll them selves up as much as they want.

Edd sipped his cola with a smile. He also gave Matt the cheese when he was done.

"What am I suppose to?", questioned Matt in confusion.

"Eat the cheese.", said Edd.

He walked a way as Matt stared at the smelly cheese. After a long pause, he ate it whole. It was tasty.


————Here without Ed

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Here without Ed.

————Here without Ed

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