First time meeting the fam🤪💞

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(If you have any story ideas, please comment them)

I was offered this huge part in a show called Euphoria, and of course i take it. I started last week as the character 'Ashtray's lover'. That's how i met Javon of course, but i didnt know he was Jayla's brother.

It had been 2 weeks since I met Jayla. We started to get really close and she has had a few sleepovers at mine, same as Kylee. Us 3 girls went shopping (cause why not) "Do you want to come over for dinner, you can bring the family too," Jayla asked. "Yea of course, I'll tell mom," i answered. Jayla dropped me off at home.

"Mom!" i yelled. "Yea, what's wrong?" she asked me very worried. "nothing wrong, we are going to Jayla's for dinner tonight, so get ready now!" i yelled in excitement. "okay, calm down a bit please, go tell Sam," she said. "Ohh Sammm!" i yelled. "What?" he asked in annoyance. "Get ready, were going to Jayla's for dinner," i told Sam as he got up and pushed me out the room.

Jayla pooh💞

hey we live at *****,
see you soon babes

Okay, honestly cant wait xo

I know right, my fam
is gonna love you

I sure hope so

They will, i promise xo

I had a shower, brushed my teeth, did my hair and did light make-up

I had a shower, brushed my teeth, did my hair and did light make-up

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(your outfit)

Hammer boy🔨

Hey, wanna come over?

Sorry, can't having dinner
at a friends

That's okay, maybe tomorrow

Yea of course
Bye got to go

(Next part is the dinner)

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